Few are familiar with batata, sweet potato originated from Peru and Colombia. Prospects for introduction of batata in Kazakhstan and why British chef Jamie Oliver so recommends? Read in our grantee LLP "Organic Food" article.

FAO estimates that world population by 2050 will amount to 9.1 billion. (5 billion - Asia and 1.9 billion - Africa) that will require an increase in energy more than 3 times and increase amount of food 1.7 times by 2050. And no less important is the land desertification. Almost 1/3 of our planet is deserts and mainly land in North-East Asia. One of 7 crops to solve food security, and sustainable and efficient use of land for cultivation of crops is sweet potatoes - batata.

LLP "OrganicFood" in the framework of theĀ  Fostering Productive Innovation Project with support of the World Bank is planning to introduce sweet potato in agricultural practices and the food chain for a wide range of consumers. The project will result in introduction of technology for cultivating various types of batata in Kazakhstan and pilot lot of batata culture.

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