
World Bank representatives: Ms. Marialisa Motta, Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice Manager for Europe and Central Asia, Ms. Stefka Slavova, Chief Economist, Mr. Paulo Correa, Counsellor, as part of the performance monitoring and analysis, visited the sub-projects of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project implemented by SC MOES RK jointly with the World Bank. In particular, three very successful subprojects were monitored: Genesis, Green-lab and X-matrix.
Genesis. The company is specialized in genotyping, identifying the breeding origin of cattle and subsequent registration of the genetic passport. The company is quite a successful enterprise and the first company to receive an international quality certificate in the field of genetic studies of agricultural animals to confirm the breed and breeding origin.
World Bank representatives asked various questions regarding the project implementation, investments by the Bank and the state, and future development prospects of the company.
Alexander Shustov, project manager, pointed out that without grant support the project would not have been possible due to the high cost of purchased equipment. In future, the company is planning to expand and further commercialize its innovative technology through a commercialization specialist and by symbiosis of business and science, and also take orders from foreign companies.
X-matrix Project Manager - Abugaliev Kabylbek is a practicing combiologist (burn surgeon). He presented his innovative biological bandage to WB team. The bandage heals burn wounds three times faster than an ordinary bandage, told about competitive advantages of his product such as cheapness, speed and composition, that makes it attractive for Muslims. He also shared the prospects of his project, where after a successful launch on the market, he is planning to cede management of the project to an experienced manager, and to focus on medical science.
Green lab. Almagul Kakimzhanova, project manager, spoke about micropropagation and showed a laboratory where development of seedlings could be traced from a small kidney to a one and a half meter high poplar. It was especially noted that this method reduces the time of receiving seedlings of 2 to 3 meters high twice, increases the percentage of seedlings survival rate, reduces the cost of planting material. Before planting in the open soil, plants are placed in sterile tubes with special nutrient media. Plants grown in such conditions, in contrast to the planting material imported from abroad, are more adapted to the climatic conditions of Kazakhstan, and also have high adaptability.
The World Bank representatives highlighted the relevance of these sub-projects and emphasized their scientific component. They also noted that these projects can be considered as an example of successful development of science as a business model.

The final field monitoring of Altyn Batyr Company LLP activities under the sub-project "Development of technology for industrial production of the therapeutic and preventive drink on the basis of biologically active association of tea fungus microorganisms" was conducted. PMU representatives inspected the operational activities, assets procured with the grant funds, and all documentation related to the sub-project. Based on the results of the field monitoring, the Field Monitoring Act was prepared and signed, reflecting the results of the property inventory, status of accounting, results of the calendar plan execution, etc.
The company has completed the subproject ahead of schedule and launched the production and sale of finished products - soft drinks based on tea mushrooms. The sub-project has completed all the planned activities, underwent accreditation as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, purchased and installed equipment worth more than 8 million tenge, carried out extensive research work, the results of which were reflected in international and domestic academic publications, organized and held an international scientific-practical conference in cooperation with the Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, registered three patents for inventions and a useful model. The project team members attended various seminars and courses, and a local university graduate students took an internship at the Altyn Batyr Company LLP production base.

On September 13, 2019, the Technology Commercialization Department held a meeting with representatives of the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting was attended by the deans of faculties, deputy deans on scientific work, heads of research institutes and scientists of ENU.
This meeting is intended to encourage the submission of applications for international grant programs.
During the meeting, the presentation of the Technology Commercialization Implementation Plan in Kazakhstan, information on commercialization offices, new technologies in other developed countries was presented. Special attention was paid to the international grant program register "Aggregator". This is an international database of grants, which collects information about available grants for Kazakh scientists, students and organizations. At the moment, the database contains more than 400 grants of different directions (
Murat Sartbayev, PMU Director, said that financial support is available for almost any type of activity, from academic studies to research, work in art residences and participation in scientific conferences and seminars. Each grant program has its own characteristics, objectives and requirements.
PMU specialists told the participants about the factors that hinder participation in grant programs, and what is needed to overcome them, how to choose the appropriate research direction on the website "Aggregator". All proposals are collected by the Aggregator of grant programs - there are many of them, and it is logical to start with them to get to know the world of grants and scholarships. All of them are provided with filters, you can sort programs by country, deadlines, subject areas, etc.
General directions and further prospects of bilateral cooperation were discussed during the meeting.
"We hope for fruitful cooperation with PMU and our scientists are ready to participate in international grant programs," said Gulnara Merzadinova, Vice-Rector for Research and Development. - We have a positive experience of participation in such scientific programs. And I would like to express my gratitude to PMU representatives for the valuable information presented to our colleagues”.

The first company in Kazakhstan to have received an international certificate of quality in the field of genetic research of farm animals to confirm the breed and breeding origin.
The winner of one of the grant programs of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project of the Science Committee and the World Bank - Genesis.KZ LLP. This is the first company to receive an international certificate of quality in the field of genetic research of farm animals to confirm the breed and breeding origin. In September 2019, the regular two-year cycle of international comparative performance testing of laboratories engaged in agricultural animal genetic research and genetic quality control of breeding operations was completed. These laboratory quality studies are conducted every two years by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG), a representative international organization (headquartered in the United States) that brings together hundreds of laboratories around the world that perform genetic studies of livestock to identify, confirm origin and validate their breed. The scope of the research is important for the state authorities responsible for animal husbandry, nonprofit organizations of cattle breeders (chambers), and the farms that carry out genetic control of livestock. In Kazakhstan, genetic confirmation of the origin of young cattle is mandatory for meat breeds (Angus, Gereford, etc.).
A Kazakhstani participant, Genesis.KZ LLP, based in Nur-Sultan, participated in the 2018-2019 cycle of ISAG comparative tests of the quality laboratories' work.
International tests are conducted as follows: all participating laboratories receive encrypted samples with unknown genotypes and a test assignment on paper from the ISAG Central office. The tasks are to examine the samples and identify the relationship. Research results and solved test tasks are sent to the Central office of ISAG.
According to the results of participation in the quality tests, Genesis.KZ LLP received an international quality certificate with the highest possible quality rating: Absolute genotyping accuracy rank 1 corresponds to the accuracy of 98%-100% genotype determination and completely correct solution of the test tasks for determining the animal kinship based on specific genotypes. Only 50% of participating laboratories worldwide achieved the same result.
Quality certificate for Genesis.KZ LLP (registration number ISAG 128870) is attached.
Brief information about Genesis.KZ LLP
Genesis.KZ LLP provides commercial services to confirm the genetic origin of cattle (cattle) to assign category 1 and receipt of state subsidies on the development of breeding. Service is based on genotyping to confirm paternal and maternal parenthood, establishing the origin, with the entry of animal genetic data (genotypes) in the national database of breeding stock (IAS database) and issuance of genetic passports (certificates) to customers. On the basis of our genetic certificates, customers receive category 1 for bulls and subsidies from the state.
We carry out genotyping of cattle, place genotypes in the IAS database and issue genetic passports.
The procedure is as follows:
- Client fills in the contract (we send a template) and sends us two copies of the contract and the table by fast mail.Along with the documents the farm sends cattle hair to Genesis.KZ LLP. Hair is put in special envelopes and envelopes are put in plastic zip-lock bags. It is sent by mail (cooling is not necessary).
- After receiving the prepayment and hair samples, we perform genotyping and enter the genotypes into the IAS and prepare genetic certificates (genetic passports). We send genetic passports in electronic form or also in paper form as requested by the client.
- Upon completion of the work, Genesis.KZ LLP sends the client genetic certificates for bulls and closing documents under the contract.

"EdTech Forum: People. Inspiration. Progressive growth" took place in Nur-sultan.
It is the first Kazakhstani event in the field of educational technologies, connecting the country with global opportunities which was attended by the sub-project of the grant program for Junior and Senior Researchers "Unified information system for vocational guidance, analysis and forecasting of the needs of specialties".
EdTech Forum brought together recognized world experts and local participants in the field of educational technologies, ministries and departments, universities, professional community, developers and investors who are involved in educational technologies and are interested in its development of the industry, providing and simplifying access to knowledge through new technologies.
Sub-project Leader presented an information system The sub-project received recommendations on improving the system. The event was moderated by Pavel Koktyshev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC NIH "Zerde".