Other grants

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# | Title | Area | Description | Funder | Link to source |
1 | Rural Business Development Grants | Social Science | This program is a competitive grant designed to support targeted technical assistance, training and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas which will employ 50 or fewer new employees and has less than $1 million in gross revenue | U.S. Department of Agriculture | www.rd.usda.gov |
2 | Governor’s Proposed New Technology Seed Fund | Business, Management and Accounting | The Fund is designed to expand New York’s technological strengths and promote commercialization that leads to its economic growth | Empire State Development | esd.ny.gov |
3 | Daniel Turnberg travel fellowships | Life Sciences | This scheme offers short-term funding for biomedical researchers to travel between the UK and the Middle East to learn new techniques and develop academic collaborations | Wellcome Trust | wellcome.ac.uk |
4 | ESC Research Grants | Social Sciences | A Research grant of 25,000 Euros to provide an opportunity for medical graduates and researchers to undertake specialised cardiovascular research, in an ESC Member Country centre of excellence | European Society of Cardiology | wellcome.ac.uk |
5 | EU-US collaboration on NGI - RIA Research and Innovation Action | Management of Technology and Innovation | The aim is to reinforce cooperation and strategic partnerships in the area of Next Generation Internet, to establish a continuous dialogue among the key actors in the US and European programmes and to implement focused projects for joint developments | Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | ec.europa.eu |
6 | Research participation opportunities at the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration-NCTR General | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Research Participation Programs at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are designed to provide undergraduate and graduate students, post-master and post-doctoral opportunities to participate in project-specific research and developmental activities at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.zintellect.com |
7 | National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) research opportunity | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | The NCBI Research Participation Program is a National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) initiative to provide training in bioinformatics and computational biology | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.zintellect.com |
8 | Research and Innovation Staff Exchange | Management of Technology and Innovation | The program supports mobility and exchange of research and innovation staff, incl.managerial, technical and administrative staff, between institutions in different sectors in Europe and/or with research institutions in countries outside of Europe | Norges Forskningsråd | www.forskningsradet.no |
9 | Accelerating research through international network-to-network collaborations (AccelNet) | Management of Technology and Innovation | The program seeks to foster high-impact science and engineering by providing opportunities to create new collaborations and new combinations of resources and ideas among linked global networks | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
10 | Research and innovation staff exchange | Management of Technology and Innovation | The RISE scheme promotes international and cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff, and sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market. | Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | www.ec.europa.eu |
11 | Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism | Social Sciences | The program aims to identify new knowledge and technological approaches for fighting old, new and evolving forms of criminal and terrorist behaviour supported by advanced technologies. | Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | www.ec.europa.eu |
12 | Dr. George C. Cotzias memorial fellowship: Academic year 2019-2020 | Life Sciences | The program is designed to stimulate interest and research on neurological disorders and the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The scholarship was established by the American Parkinson Disease Association in memory of the distinguished Dr. George K. Kothias. | American Parkinson Disease Association | www.apdaparkinson.org |
13 | The Norman Borlaug award for field research and application | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | This award will recognize exceptional, science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under 40 who has clearly demonstrated intellectual courage, stamina, and determination in the fight to eliminate global hunger and poverty. | World Food Prize Foundation | www.worldfoodprize.org |
14 | Switzer research fellowships program | Life Sciences | The purpose of the Switzer Research Fellowships Program is to build research capacity by providing support to highly qualified individuals, including those with disabilities, to conduct high quality research on the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. | Administration for Community Living | www.grants.gov |
15 | VISITING SCIENTIST PROGRAM (VSP)/"Windows on the World" (WOW) | Air Force | The Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) provides opportunities for outstanding Air Force scientists and engineers (AF S&Es) to conduct full-time research at a non-government laboratory located within the USA. The duration of a VSP visit can be up to 179 days. | Air Force Office of Scientific Research | www.wpafb.af.mil |
16 | Science, Technology, and Society (STS) | Arts and Humanities | The Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program supports research that uses historical, philosophical, and social scientific methods to investigate the intellectual, material, and social facets of the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) disciplines. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
17 | Research grants | Life Sciences | The program is designed to finance research projects initiated by researchers in the field of treatment of tuberculosis or other chronic lung diseases. | Firland Foundation | www.firland.org |
18 | On-farm research grants | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | On-Farm Research Grants are one of SSARE’s “small” grants programs, offering $15,000 for up to a 2-year project for Extension agents, university researchers, NGOs, and government personnel (like NRCS or USDA-ARS) who currently work with farmers and conduct on-farm research with at least one farmer/rancher cooperator. | Southern SARE | www.southernsare.org |
19 | Research Scholarship in Nutraceuticals Research | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | A doctoral scholarship awarded to an outstanding candidate to undertake research with the aim of isolation and functional characterization of bioactive compounds from sugarcane extracts. | La Trobe University | www.latrobe.edu.au |
20 | Kushlan research award | Environmental Science | The goal of the Kushlan Research Award in Ciconiiform Biology and Conservation is to encourage significant scientific advances in the biology, ecology, or conservation biology of wading birds (i.e. herons, storks, ibises, and their taxonomic allies). | Waterbird Society | waterbirds.org |
21 | ARS Research opportunity – Crop production and protection | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Through these opportunities, participants will develop advanced skills in agricultural related research. Participants will interact closely with research scientists who are currently conducting research in Crop Production and Protection. | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.zintellect.com |
22 | Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) | Environmental Science | Program supports the generation of extended time series of data to address important questions in evolutionary biology, ecology, and ecosystem science. Research areas include, but are not limited to, the effects of natural selection or other evolutionary processes on populations, communities, or ecosystems. | National Science Academy | www.grants.gov |
23 | Scheme for Funding Industry Relevant R&D | Chemical Engineering | The objective of the scheme is to utilize the expertise available in academic institutions and national laboratories to solve industry specific problems for the larger benefit of society. | Science and Engineering Research Board | www.serb.gov.in |
24 | Haas fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Haas Fellowships are open to postdoctoral and predoctoral scholars whose projects will enhance understanding of the chemical industries in relation to societal, environmental, health, and safety issues and in the public understanding of science. | Science History Institute | www.sciencehistory.org |
25 | Earle B. Barnes award for leadership in chemical research management | Chemical Engineering | The award is intended to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and creativity in promoting the sciences of chemistry and chemical engineering in research management. Nominees should have demonstrated success in research management by exhibiting the proven ability to manage research projects and people. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
26 | Spatial humanities initiative | Research project development | Computer Science | Humanities Research Center’s Spatial Humanities Initiative invites faculty to submit proposals for Research Project Development. Faculty may request up to $15,000 to host conferences, meet with consultants or scholars, purchase materials and licenses, hire student assistants, cover programming and design fees, fabricate models, build databases, and/or support other endeavors that require financial resources outside the scope of individual faculty research accounts. | Humanities Research Center, Rice University | hrc.rice.edu |
27 | E. H. Moore research article prize | Information Systems | The Moore Prize is awarded for an outstanding research article to have appeared in one of the AMS primary research journals (namely, the Journal of the AMS, Proceedings of the AMS, Transactions of the AMS, Memoirs of the AMS, Mathematics of Computation, Electronic Journal of Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, and Electronic Journal of Representation Theory) during the six calendar years ending a full year before the meeting at which the prize is awarded. | American Mathematical Society | www.ams.org |
28 | Multi-user equipment grants | Computer Science | These grants provide support for multi-user items of equipment. | Wellcome Trust | wellcome.ac.uk |
29 | Monitoring and Control of Cyber Physical Systems | Computer Science | Development of appropriate systems control and monitoring methodologies that provide opportunities and challenges in applications ranging from complex engineering systems such as aircraft engines, health and disease monitoring at individual and population levels, autonomous manufacturing and smart cities. | University of Sheffield | www.sheffield.ac.uk |
30 | Partnership grant program | Agronomy and Crop Science | The Partnership Grant program is intended to foster cooperation between agriculture professionals and small groups of farmers and ranchers to catalyze on-farm research, demonstration, and education activities related to sustainable agriculture. | North Central SARE | www.northcentralsare.org |
31 | Analytical validation of a candidate biomarker for neurological disease (U44 clinical trial optional) | Clinical Biochemistry | The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support applications from Small Business Concerns (SBCs) to perform rigorous analytical validation of candidate biomarker measures or endpoints in a manner that is consistent with FDA guidelines. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
32 | Clinical validation of a candidate biomarker for neurological disease (U44 clinical trial optional) | Clinical Biochemistry | The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications from Small Business Concerns (SBCs) to support rigorous clinical validation of a candidate biomarker using retrospective and/or prospective methods in a manner that is consistent with the purpose of the biomarker. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
33 | Analytical validation of a candidate biomarker for neurological disease (U01) (Clinical trial optional) | Clinical Biochemistry | The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support rigorous analytical validation of candidate biomarker measures or endpoints in a manner that is consistent with FDA guidelines. Analytical validation establishes that the performance characteristics of the biomarker measurement or endpoint are acceptable for its intended use. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
34 | Best paper award, in honour of Prof. R. A. Howie | Management Science and Operations Research | An award will be made annually to “the lead author of the ‘best paper’ published (in English) in a mineralogical journal (sensu lato) within three years of award of his/her PhD”. The nomination process is outlined below.The award will take the form of a bursary (£1000) to attend an international conference (to be agreed with the Society) to present a paper which will be entitled the ‘R.A. Howie Memorial Lecture’. The money will be paid on receipt of an official confirmation of registration for the conference. | Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland | www.minersoc.org |
35 | Eta Sigma Phi Brent Malcolm Froberg scholarship | Decision Sciences | Eta Sigma Phi members who have received a Bachelor’s degree within the eight years prior to application (or shall have received it by June 1st of the current year) and who have not received a doctoral degree are eligible. Eta Sigma Phi will select either one recipient for the Summer Session or up to two recipients for the Summer Seminars. Eta Sigma Phi covers one-half of ASCSA Summer program fees and an additional stipend toward travel expenses; ASCSA pays the other half of fees. | American School of Classical Studies at Athens | www.ascsa.edu.gr |
36 | Publication minigrants | Business, Management and Accounting | The council also awards minigrants for publication projects that require a small amount of money and that involve time constraints that make it impossible to apply for publication major grants. | Arkansas Humanities Council | arkansashumanitiescouncil.org |
37 | Alliance of glycobiologists for cancer research: Biological tumor glycomics laboratories (U01) | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to support research applications that are focused on mechanisms that mediate alterations in glycosylation during oncogenesis. The goal of this FOA is to advance our knowledge of altered glycosylation or other modifications in carbohydrate structure in cancer to determine whether it is the cause or the result of neoplastic transformation. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
38 | The Kavli Foundation emerging leader in chemistry lecture | Chemistry | The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture is awarded to an outstanding chemical scientist who is less than 10 years past receipt of his/her PhD and is under 40 years of age. The candidate is a distinguished younger scientist who is highly regarded by his or her peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acsbiot.org |
39 | Meeting/symposium/conference funding request | Chemistry | The Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) recognizes the value of supporting the organization of symposia, conferences or meetings that benefit the advancement of inorganic chemistry. | American Chemical Society | acsdic.org |
40 | The Analysis Program | Mathematical and Physical Sciences | The Analysis Program supports basic research in that area of mathematics whose roots can be traced to the calculus of Newton and Leibniz. Given its centuries-old ties to physics, analysis has influenced developments from Newton’s mechanics to quantum mechanics and from Fourier’s study of heat conduction to Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism to Witten’s theory of supersymmetry. More generally, research supported by Analysis provides the theoretical underpinning for the majority of applications of the mathematical sciences to other scientific disciplines. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
41 | ACS Award for creative work in fluorine chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the chemistry of fluorine. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
42 | Biomarkers Acute Cardiovascular Diseases Division awards | Medicine | Biomarkers of Acute Cardiovascular (BACD) Division Abstract Award for Outstanding Research $500 grant. To compete for this award you must: Check the appropriate box on the award/grant section of the Annual Meeting abstract submission form Submit an abstract in the field of acute biomarkers of cardiovascular disease Be the presenting author of an accepted abstract for the upcoming AACC Annual Meeting Present a poster at the AACC Annual Meeting Be a member of the BACD Division | American Association for Clinical Chemistry | www.aacc.org |
43 | Alfred Bader award in bioinorganic or bioorganic chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize outstanding contributions to bioorganic or bioinorganic chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
44 | Chevalley prize in lie theory | Arts and Humanities | The Chevalley Prize is awarded for notable work in Lie Theory published during the preceding six years; a recipient should be at most twenty-five years past the Ph.D. | American Mathematical Society | www.ams.org |
45 | The Moody Foundation grants | Business, Management and Accounting | We accept inquiry letters on an ongoing basis, and our trustees meet four times a year to consider grant awards. Because of this, the grant application process from inquiry to funding decision may take up to six months; please consider this time frame in determining what projects you propose for Moody Foundation funding. | Moody Foundation | moodyf.org |
46 | Computational mathematics | Mathematics | Supports mathematical research in areas of science where computation plays a central and essential role, emphasizing analysis, development and implementation of numerical methods and algorithms, and symbolic methods. The prominence of computation with analysis and ultimate implementation efficiency of the computational methods in the research is a hallmark of the program. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
47 | Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha award | Decision Sciences | TThe Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha prize is awarded annually for the best paper presented at the previous year's annual meeting. The award is supported by Pi Sigma Alpha. It carries a prize of $750. | American Political Science Association | www.apsanet.org |
48 | Clinical chemistry, post Ph.D. fellowship (Minnesota) | Clinical Chemistry | Mayo Clinic offers a two-year Clinical Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellowship in Rochester, Minnesota. The Clinical Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellowship offers: Outstanding learning opportunities in a variety of clinical laboratory settings using state-of-the-art techniques Diverse experiences in translational research Hands-on participation in the development and introduction of sophisticated new tests for immediate patient care and diagnostic application | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
49 | Claude S. Hudson award in carbohydrate chemistry | Chemistry | Purpose: To recognize outstanding contributions to carbohydrate chemistry whether in education, research, or applications. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
50 | Josef Michl ACS award in photochemistry | Chemistry | To recognize excellence in fundamental research in organic or inorganic photochemistry and/or photophysics. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
51 | Ramsay trust memorial fellowship | Chemistry | Ramsay Memorial Fellowships were instituted in 1920 as a memorial to Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916), who was Professor of Inorganic and General Chemistry at UCL from 1887-1913 and Britain's very first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, in 1904, for his discovery of the noble gases. He was also SCI President from 1903 to 1904. | Society of Chemical Industry | www.soci.org |
52 | Graduate student award in computational physical chemistry | Chemistry | Encourage graduate work in computational chemistry, recognize research accomplishments and stimulate interest in the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry and the PHYS division of the ACS | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
53 | Harry Gray award for creative work in inorganic chemistry by a young investigator | Chemistry | To recognize creative and impactful work by a young investigator in a forefront area of inorganic chemistry, broadly defined. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
54 | Frederic Stanley Kipping award in silicon chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize distinguished contributions to the field of silicon chemistry and, by such example, to stimulate the creativity of others. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
55 | Ralph F. Hirschmann award in peptide chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in the chemistry, biochemistry, and biophysics of peptides. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
56 | F. Albert Cotton award in synthetic inorganic chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize distinguished work in synthetic inorganic chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
57 | Ronald Breslow award for achievement in biomimetic chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize outstanding contributions to the field of biomimetic chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
58 | ACS Award in the chemistry of materials | Chemistry | To recognize and encourage creative work in the chemistry of materials. Nature: The award consists of $5,000 and a certificate. Up to $2,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award will be presented will be reimbursed. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
59 | ACS Award in inorganic chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize and encourage fundamental research in the field of inorganic chemistry. Nature: The award consists of $5,000 and a certificate. Up to $2,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award will be presented will be reimbursed. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
60 | ACS Award for distinguished service in the advancement of inorganic chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize individuals who advanced inorganic chemistry by significant service in addition to performance of outstanding research. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
61 | Mathematical studies on quantum physics | Physics and Astronomy | A postdoctoral research opportunity is available with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) Computational and Informational Sciences Directorate (CISD). CISD is seeking a PhD graduate with a background in Mathematics and/or Physics. Dynamics of open quantum systems can be studied beyond the mean field approximation of the bath using quantum stochastic calculus where the bath is modeled using a continuum of harmonic oscillators. | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.orau.org |
62 | Quantifying uncertainties in microscale meteorology | Engineering | A postdoctoral research opportunity is available at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in the Battlefield Environment Division of the Computational and Information Sciences Directorate. ARL is seeking candidates with a background in uncertainty quantification (UQ) to conduct research in uncertainty quantification for battlefield meteorology. The opportunity will be located at Adelphi, Maryland. | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.orau.org |
63 | Public awareness grant | Arts and Humanities | For projects designed to deliver messaging focused on behavior science and behavior analytic solutions to important problems. Messaging should be grounded in scientific evidence and target an audience that has not yet been reached by existing initiatives. | Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis | saba.abainternational.org |
64 | Evert Willem Beth Foundation | Arts and Humanities | The Foundation’s aim is to continue and extend the work of the Dutch logician Evert Willem Beth. It encourages philosophical research and the teaching of philosophy by organising symposiums and lectures and providing funding | Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen | www.knaw.nl |
65 | Post-doctoral Fellowship in Biochemistry of Trypanosome | Biochemistry | A post-doctoral position is available for the project “The biological role of amino acids and their metabolites in Trypanosoma cruzi", sub-project "Biological role of the intermediary enzymes of the catabolism of Branched Chain Amino Acids in Trypanosoma cruzi" under supervision of Prof. Ariel M. Silber inserted in Department of Parasitology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, and supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil. The Project will investigate the metabolism of the Branched Chain Amino Acids (Valine, Isoleucine and Leucine), and their relationship with the bioenergetics and cell differentiation in Trypanosoma cruzi. | Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo | www.fapesp.br |
66 | 'Freigeist' Fellowships | Social Sciences | A 'Freigeist' fellow: for the Volkswagen Foundation this means a young researcher with a strong personality, a creative mind, an ability to identify and use freedom, dedicated to overcoming resistance. A 'Freigeist' fellow opens up new horizons and combines critical analysis with imagination and innovative solutions. | Volkswagen Foundation | www.volkswagenstiftung.de |
67 | James L. Baillie Memorial Fund for Bird Research and Preservation - Regular grants program | Zoology | The Regular Grant program is intended to provide grants of $1,000 to $5,000 to non-profit organizations for projects that promote the overall goals and objectives of the Baillie Fund. Baillie Fund Regular Grants may contribute up to 50% of the total value of a project. A minimum of $15,000 per year is available annually under the Regular Grants program. | Bird Studies Canada | www.birdscanada.org |
68 | Fernando Gil International Prize 2019 in Philosophy of Science | Arts and Humanities | The Prize intends to acknowledge a work of excellence in the domain of the Philosophy of Science, either regarding general epistemological problems or particular scientific areas. | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | www.fct.pt |
69 | Sigma small grants | Nursing | Allocation of funds is based on the quality of the proposed research, the future promise of the applicant, and the applicant's research budget. Applications from novice researchers who have received no other national research funds are encouraged and will receive preference for funding, other aspects being equal. | Sigma Theta Tau International | www.sigmanursing.org |
70 | Postdoctoral research opportunity in prion diseases | Biochemistry | A chemistry/biochemistry research opportunity is available with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Animal Disease Center (NADC) Virus and Prion Research Unit (VPRU) in Ames, Iowa. The participant will be conducting research on amyloid formation in diseases of livestock and wildlife which will include development and analysis of protein conformational stability and protein misfolding (amyloid formation) data. | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.zintellect.com |
71 | Cellular regulation by redox modulation in proteins | Biochemistry | Several postdoctoral fellowships are available to study the biochemistry and molecular biology of redox modifications of proteins in order to understand their roles in cellular biology and in disease. Our research currently focuses on the oxidation and reduction of methionine in proteins, with an emphasis on the methionine sulfoxide reductases | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | www.training.nih.gov |
72 | Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future | Computer Science | The funding initiative addresses postdoctoral researchers and professors of all career levels in the social and engineering sciences prepared to devote themselves to interdisciplinary, integrative research networks and, by way of an innovative approach, to the challenges arising from the impact of artificial intelligence on society. | Volkswagen Foundation | www.volkswagenstiftung.de |
73 | World Knowledge – Structural Support for "Rare Subjects" | Social Sciences | The so-called "rare subjects" („kleine Fächer“) often represent a comprehensive, significant and future-oriented canon of knowledge of high relevance for interdisciplinarity, internationality, and innovation. The program is for researchers of “rare subjects” with a high potential for innovation, interdisciplinary and international networking. | Volkswagen Foundation | www.volkswagenstiftung.de |
74 | Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus | Social Sciences | The funding initiative entitled "Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus" addresses the newly emerged independent states of Central Asia and the Caucasus as well as Afghanistan and some of the immediately neighboring regions of the Russian Federation and China. The overall aim is to work closely with local scholars and scientists to develop relevant research projects and to strengthen intraregional cooperation. | Volkswagen Foundation | www.volkswagenstiftung.de |
75 | Oram Foundation grant | Engineering | The projects we fund generally range from $35,000 to $85,000. Requests for more that $85,000 will also be considered (likely as phased grants), and a smaller pilot project category exists for $5,000 to $15,000 initiatives. We strongly prefer projects that offer opportunities for replication and impacts beyond the project itself. | Oram Foundation | www.enviro-urban.org |
76 | Career development bridge funding award: K bridge | Engineering | The purpose of this award is to provide bridge funding for promising investigators as they are revising outstanding individual career development awards. Through this bridge funding award, the Foundation plans to support young faculty members so that they have the highest likelihood of achieving success in obtaining longer term career development awards. | Rheumatology Research Foundation | www.rheumresearch.org |
77 | Effect of solid surfaces on jet noise | Engineering | Extend an existing acoustic analogy approach (Goldstein & Leib, JFM, 2008, vol. 600 pp.291-337) to account for effects of solid surfaces, such as flaps wings etc., on the radiation and generation of subsonic and supersonic jet noise. Develop a computer code for predicting the sound from areodynamic data generated by the NPARK WIND code. Apply the code to a specific example of a jet in the presence of a semi-infinite flat plate and compare the results with experimental data. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | npp.usra.edu |
78 | Cryogenic fluid systems | Engineering | Research focuses on technology for the efficient storage, supply, and transfer of subcritical cryogenic fluids in the environment of space. Research areas include two-phase flow systems, cryogenic instrumentation, insulation systems, thermal analysis, and heat-mass transfer at a liquid-vapor interface. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | npp.usra.edu |
79 | Technology development: Ultrasensitive detector arrays for space-based astrophysics | Engineering | This work focuses on ultrasensitive detector design, fabrication, characterization, and integration into suitable optical systems. Current research includes the development of superconducting transition edge sensors and superconducting integrated circuits for microcalorimeters of high-resolution x-ray detection and sensitive bolometers for measurements of submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | npp.usra.edu |
80 | Technology development: Space optics design and analysis | Engineering | Research and development opportunities exist at Goddard's Optics Branch in optical design and analysis of advanced space flight instrumentation for astronomy, astrophysical, and Earth resources missions from the x-ray region up to 1 mm in wavelength. Additional research topics consist of holograms and holographic optical elements design, wave propagation, optomechanical design, stray light design and analysis, and in-process optical testing. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | npp.usra.edu |
81 | Arthur C. Guyton awards for excellence in integrative physiology | Engineering | The award is intended to support an independent investigator who holds an academic rank no higher than Assistant Professor and is pursuing research that utilizes quantitative and integrative approaches and feedback control system theory for the study of physiological functions. An award of approximately $30,000 is designated for the use in the awardee's research program. The award does not include any indirect cost reimbursement. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
82 | Landis young member engineering achievement award | Engineering | This award was established to recognize outstanding achievement in which engineering knowledge has been effectively applied to yield an engineering concept, design, safety improvement, method of analysis or product utilized in nuclear power research and development or commercial application. Recognizes an individual who has made significant technical contributions in any one of the many engineering disciplines served by the Society. The candidate must be less than 40 years of age at the time of nomination. | American Nuclear Society | www.ans.org |
83 | Ray Goertz award | Engineering | The award was established in 1985 to recognize and honor Robotics and Remote Systems Division (RRSD) (formerly Remote Systems and Technology Division) members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of remote technology. | American Nuclear Society | www.ans.org |
84 | Loleta D. Fyan grant | Economics | Loleta Fyan, 1951-52 ALA President, bequeathed funds to ALA with the intent that "these funds be used for the development and improvement of public libraries and the services they provide." | American Library Association | www.ala.org |
85 | Julius Shiskin memorial award for economic statistics | Economics | Contributions are recognized for statistical research, development of statistical tools, application of information technology techniques, use of economic statistical programs, management of statistical programs, or developing public understanding of measurement issues. | American Statistical Association | community.amstat.org |
86 | Price fellowship | Chemistry | The income from the investment of the combined gifts supports a long-term fellowship with preference for scholars studying polymer history. The Price Fellowship is open to predoctoral scholars pursuing research on the history of the chemical sciences and technologies. | Science History Institute | www.sciencehistory.org |
87 | Peter Strauss award | Economics | The Peter Strauss Award was established by Harold Newman, Hertz Foundation Director and financial advisor, and a long time associate of Peter Strauss, who was a Hertz Foundation Director and a financial advisor to the Foundation for many decades. The prize includes a $5,000 award. | Hertz Foundation | hertzfoundation.org |
88 | Economics | Economics | The Economics program welcomes proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, conferences, symposia, experimental research, data collection and dissemination, computer equipment and other instrumentation, and research experience for undergraduates. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
89 | MDA Venture Philanthropy (MVP) program | Economics | MDA Venture Philanthropy is the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s drug development program, which is exclusively focused on funding the discovery and clinical application of treatments and cures for neuromuscular diseases. | Muscular Dystrophy Association | www.mda.org |
90 | Partnership fund | Economics | While Community Fund grantees can return to the Claneil Foundation for funding, grantees in other Foundation grant programs do not have this option. In order to provide an opportunity for grantees in these “other” grant programs to seek additional funding, the Claneil Foundation developed The Partnership Fund. | Claneil Foundation | www.claneilfoundation.org |
91 | OBI ONtrepreneurs Program | Technologies | Build your neurotech venture The ONtrepreneurs (Ontario Neurotech Entrepreneurs) Program catalyzes early stage entrepreneurs to commercialize brain-related technologies by accessing funding and support to launch or grow their neurotechnology ventures. | Ontario Brain Institute | braininstitute.ca |
92 | Publication costs award | Economics | Funding to cover publication costs is available to a maximum of £2,000 per publication (subject to the availability of funds). If the published work was co-funded, the Charity will contribute a proportionate amount. The Charity must be appropriately acknowledged in all publications where Charity funds have been awarded which have wholly or partly supported the work. | Yorkshire Cancer Research | yorkshirecancerresearch.org.uk |
93 | Predoctoral fellowship in health economics | Economics | Pre-doctoral economics students in the graduate certificate program in health economics conduct research at the Schaeffer Center under the guidance of a faculty member, earning knowledge and expertise relevant to their upcoming doctoral program. | University of Southern California | healthpolicy.usc.edu |
94 | Orphan Site Cleanup Fund (OSCF) | Economics | The Orphan Site Cleanup Fund (OSCF) is a grant program within the Division of Financial Assistance. OSCF provides financial assistance to eligible applicants for the cleanup of sites contaminated by leaking petroleum underground storage tanks where there is no financially responsible party. | California State Water Resources Control Board | www.waterboards.ca.gov |
95 | Multi-purpose director’s fund | Multidisciplinary | The Directors Fund is a multi-purpose fund that supports all priority areas (Research, Higher Education, Pre-college Education or Public Service). | Maine Space Grant Consortium | www.msgc.org |
96 | AJ Banks travel bursary | Engineering | The AJ Banks Award provides bursaries to support attendance at meetings for activities related to food science, engineering and technology. | Society of Chemical Industry | www.soci.org |
97 | Charles Bullard fellowship in forest research | Agriculture | The Charles Bullard fellowship program supports individuals who show promise of making an important contribution, either as scholars, to forestry and forest-related subjects including biology, earth sciences, economics, politics, philosophy, humanities etc. | Harvard Forest, Harvard University | harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu |
98 | The World Forest Institute International fellowship | Agriculture | The World Forest Institute (WFI) International Fellowship Program is aimed at professionals from around the world in the period up to 6 months. Applicants propose a research topic to focus on during their Fellowship, and WFI uses its extensive network of public and private forestry and natural resource professionals to assist Fellows in gaining the knowledge and exposure they seek. Over 135 Fellows from more than 43 countries have participated in the program over the past two decades. | World Forest Institute | www.worldforestry.org |
99 | EMBO Installation grants | Art & Humanities | Help promising young scientists relocate and set up their labs in participating countries. | European Molecular Biology Organization | www.embo.org |
100 | Dissertation fieldwork grants | Art & Humanities | The program contributes to the Foundation's overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity's cultural and biological origins, development, and variation. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, or subfield. The maximum amount of the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant is US $20,000. | Wenner-Gren Foundation | www.wennergren.org |
101 | Giles F. Filley memorial award for excellence in respiratory physiology and medicine | Biochemistry/Genetics | The award is presented annually to an individual demonstrating outstanding promise based on his/her research program in respiratory physiology and medicine. Each recipient receives a $16,000 award designated for use in the research program. The award does not include any indirect cost reimbursement. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
102 | Clinical scientist development award | Biochemistry/Genetics | The Doris Duke Clinical Scientist Development Award provides grants to early-career physician scientists to facilitate their transition to independent clinical research careers. | Doris Duke Charitable Foundation | www.ddcf.org |
103 | ACS Award for creative invention | Biochemistry/Genetics | To recognize a single inventor for the successful application of research in chemistry and/or chemical engineering. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
104 | Excellence in cancer prevention and early detection award | Biochemistry/Genetics | Honor an exemplary nurse engaged in cancer prevention and early detection. | Oncology Nursing Society | www.ons.org |
105 | Peter Debye award in physical chemistry | Chemistry | To encourage and reward outstanding research in physical chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
106 | Development of highly innovative tools and technology for analysis of single cells (STTR) (R41/R42) | Chemistry | The purpose is to foster the commercialization of innovative single cell analysis technologies for their broad use in biomedical research. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
107 | Research and public education grants | Psycology | The Foundation also awards financial support to members of the LGBT community who demonstrate financial need and the desire to pursue additional training through academic or vocational education. | Gamma MU Foundation | gammamufoundation.org |
108 | Young Scholars Program (YSP) | Psycology | The Young Scholars Program (YSP) supports researches on impact of young children’s early learning and development across the birth through age eight continuum. | Foundation for Child Development | www.fcd-us.org |
109 | Developmental Sciences (DS) | Psycology | DS supports basic research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to human development across the lifespan. The program also supports research investigating factors that affect developmental change including family, peers, school, community, culture, media, physical, genetic, and epigenetic influences. While there are no specific rules about budget limitations, a typical project funded through the DS program is approximately 3 years in duration with a total cost budget, including both direct and indirect costs, between $100,000 and $200,000 per year. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
110 | Social psychology | Psycology | The Social Psychology Program supports basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group processes, etc. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
111 | Community and social development | Psycology | With a concern for low-income and disadvantaged families, the Foundation has designated two areas for special consideration: early childhood development and assistance to women and children in poverty. The Foundation also supports programs which enable youth to develop leadership skills, character and self-esteem. | Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation | www.jbpf.org |
112 | Methodological training for cultural anthropologists | Social sciences | The National Science Foundation announces an opportunity for methodological training by cultural anthropologists who are active researchers. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
113 | Aeronomy | Physics astronomy | The Aeronomy Program supports research from the mesosphere to the outer reaches of the thermosphere and all regions of the Earth’s ionosphere. The Aeronomy Program seeks to understand phenomena of ionization, recombination, chemical reaction, photo emission, and the transport of energy, and momentum within and between these regions. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
114 | Henry Primakoff award for early-career particle physics | Physics astronomy | To recognize outstanding contributions made by physicists who are just beginning their careers, and to help promote the careers of exceptionally promising young physicists. The prize is given annually and the amount is $1,500. | American Physical Society | www.aps.org |
115 | W.K.H. Panofsky prize in experimental particle physics | Physics astronomy | To recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in Experimental Particle Physics. The prize consists of $10,000, an allowance for travel to the meeting at which the prize is to be awarded, and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. | American Physical Society | www.aps.org |
116 | Lars Onsager prize | Physics astronomy | To recognize outstanding research in theoretical statistical physics including the quantum fluids. The prize consists of $10,000 as well as a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient. It was presented annually beginning in 1997. | American Physical Society | www.aps.org |
117 | J. J. Sakurai prize for theoretical particle physics | Physics astronomy | To recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in particle theory. The prize consists of $10,000, an allowance for travel to the meeting of the Society at which the prize is to be awarded, and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. It will be presented annually. | American Physical Society | www.aps.org |
118 | Translational research program | Medicine | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society funds new and innovative research that shows high promise for translating basic biomedical knowledge to clinical application. | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society | www.lls.org |
119 | RPB Special scholar awards | Medicine | RPB Special Scholar Awards, with grant amounts ranging between $25,000 to $75,000, are granted each Spring to encourage promising ophthalmic researchers. Candidates must have a primary appointment as an Assistant Professor in ophthalmology and have held that position for no more than seven (7) years from the time of the application deadline. Proposals should reflect independent research. Only one candidate per school may be nominated per spring review cycle. | Research to Prevent Blindness | www.rpbusa.org |
120 | SFACF Spot grant - Health | Medicine | Improvement of healthcare, prevention of substance abuse, medical research. | Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation | www.sfacf.org |
121 | Community health matching grant program | Medicine | This program supports nonprofit community organizations that develop, implement and evaluate new approaches to health care issues. | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation | www.bcbsm.com |
122 | Morris Animal Foundation Grant | Medicine | The mission of Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) is to bridge science and resources to advance the health of animals. To achieve this aim, we fund hypothesis-driven, humane animal health research projects with high scientific merit and the potential for significant impact on animal health. | Morris Animal Foundation | www.morrisanimalfoundation.org |
123 | Research grant program | Medicine | NORD’s Research Grant Program provides seed grants to academic scientists for translational or clinical studies related to development of potential new diagnostics or treatments for rare disease. | National Organization for Rare Disorders | rarediseases.org |
124 | American water scholarship | Chemical Engineering | Provides support to a masters student seeking a degree in the water industry. | American Water Works Association | www.awwa.org |
125 | Pritzker distinguished lecture award | Chemical Engineering | This prestigious award is given each year to recognize an individual's outstanding achievements and leadership in the science and practice of biomedical engineering. The award recipient is expected to deliver a plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting in the fall and publish the text of the lecture in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. A very important purpose of the lecture is to critically review a field of biomedical engineering and offer a vision of its future. | Biomedical Engineering Society | www.bmes.org |
126 | Haas fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Haas Fellowships are open to postdoctoral and predoctoral scholars whose projects will enhance understanding of the chemical industries in relation to societal, environmental, health, and safety issues and in the public understanding of science. | Science History Institute | www.sciencehistory.org |
127 | Biophotonics | Chemistry | The Biophotonics program is part of the Engineering Biology and Health cluster, which also includes 1) Biosensing; 2) Cellular and Biochemical Engineering; 3) Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering; and 4) Engineering of Biomedical Systems. The goal of the Biophotonics program is to explore the research frontiers in photonics principles, engineering and technology that are relevant for critical problems in fields of medicine, biology and biotechnology. The duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three years. The typical award size for the program is around $100,000 per year for individual investigators and $200,000 per year for multiple investigators. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
128 | Scarborough award | Chemistry | The Robert M. Scarborough Graduate/Postgraduate Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry. The awardees will present their research at the Fall national meeting of the American Chemical Society as a part of Division of Medicinal Chemistry programming, where they will receive a $3500 honorarium. | American Chemical Society | www.acsmedchem.org |
129 | Process systems, Reaction engineering and Molecular thermodynamics | Chemistry | The program supports the development of advanced optimization and control algorithms for chemical processes, molecular and multi-scale modeling of complex chemical systems, fundamental studies on molecular thermodynamics, and the integration of this information into the design of complex chemical reactors. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
130 | Catalysis | Chemistry | The goal of the Catalysis program is to advance research in catalytic engineering science and promote fundamental understanding and the development of catalytic materials and reactions that are of benefit to society. Research in this program should focus on new basic understanding of catalytic materials and reactions, utilizing synthetic, theoretical, and experimental approaches. The typical award size for the program is around $100,000 per year with allowance for up to $150,000 per year for collaborative projects or those involving multiple investigators. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
131 | The V Scholar program | Computer Science | The V Scholar Grant is a two-year grant of $100,000 per year. It supports young tenure-track faculty early in their cancer research careers by funding projects that are either laboratory-based fundamental research or translational research. | V Foundation for Cancer Research | www.jimmyv.org |
132 | Research grants | Computer Science | Research grants should focus on basic science, clinical or translational research. Clinical research may focus on projects that investigate the epidemiology, prevention, and or treatment of spine disease. Translational research may focus on projects that move findings from the ‘bench to bedside’. It is recommended that approved grant budgets range between $20,000-$40,000 per year. In rare cases and at the discretion of the committee, each year may be up to $50,000 per year. | North American Spine Society | www.spine.org |
133 | Multi-user equipment grants | Computer Science | These grants provide support for multi-user items of equipment. | Wellcome Trust | wellcome.ac.uk |
134 | The basic research grants program | Computer Science | Supports projects contributing to identifying and understanding the fundamental defects in Huntington’s disease. | Hereditary Disease Foundation | www.hdfoundation.org |
135 | IWMF Research grant program | Computer Science | The IWMF Research Grant Program is pledged to promote and support basic research leading to improved understanding of the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for the disease Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM). | International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation | www.iwmf.com |
136 | IADR/Philips Oral Healthcare young investigator research grant | Dentistry | This is the twelfth year of this research grant, which is generously sponsored by Philips Oral Healthcare and offered through the IADR Periodontal Research Group. The objective is to provide seed funding for a post-doctoral student that is within 12-months of successfully completing a Ph.D. at the time of the submission deadline, and wishes to establish an independent program of research. The research grant will be awarded on a competitive basis annually. | International Association for Dental Research | www.iadr.org |
137 | MTF Biologics research grant | Dentistry | OREF in partnership with the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF Biologics) offers seed money for new investigators conducting research on biologic skeletal reconstruction, including implants and stem cells. Research may be basic or clinical. | Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation | www.oref.org |
138 | ADEA/ADEA Council of students, residents and fellows/Colgate-Palmolive Co. junior faculty award | Dentistry | The American Dental Education Association (ADEA), the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows (ADEA COSRF) and Colgate-Palmolive Co. wish to recognize outstanding junior faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research and service and a commitment to dental education. | American Dental Education Association | www.adea.org |
139 | Herman Feshbach prize in theoretical nuclear physics | Energy | To recognize and encourage outstanding research in theoretical nuclear physics. The prize should consist of $10,000 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. It is presented annually. | American Physical Society | www.aps.org |
140 | Solar, Heliospheric, and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) | Energy | The solar and heliospheric research communities are dedicated to promoting enhanced understanding of, and predictive capabilities for, solar disturbances that propagate to the Earth. Broad-based, grass-roots associations such as SHINE have developed to focus community effort on these scientific questions. Proposals are solicited for research directly related to topics under consideration and discussion at community workshops organized by SHINE. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
141 | Algorithms for Modern Power Systems (AMPS) | Energy | The Algorithms for Modern Power Systems (AMPS) program will support research projects to develop the next generation of mathematical and statistical algorithms for improvement of the security, reliability, and efficiency of the modern power grid. The program is a partnership between the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability (OE) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
142 | Therapeutic Development Initiative (TDI) | Medicine | Solving Kids' Cancer is a nonprofit organization with a track-record of funding novel clinical research for children diagnosed with high-risk solid tumors specifically neuroblastoma, brain tumors and sarcomas. | Solving Kids' Cancer | solvingkidscancer.org |
143 | Pharmacia-ASPET award for experimental therapeutics | Medicine | The Pharmacia-ASPET Award in Experimental Therapeutics recognizes and stimulates outstanding research in pharmacology, basic laboratory or clinical research that has had, or potentially will have, a major impact on the pharmacological treatment of disease. | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | www.aspet.org |
144 | The conquer cancer now award | Medicine | The Conquer Cancer Now Award is a $60,000 grant given to young cancer researchers focused on cancer genetics, cancer biology and cancer immunology. | Concern Foundation | www.concernfoundation.org |
145 | Endocrinology fellowship (Florida) | Medicine | Program highlights include: A broad curriculum encompassing all components of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, experience in treating metabolic disorders in people undergoing solid-organ transplants, diverse elective opportunities, clinical and laboratory research experience. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
146 | Clinical chemistry | Medicine | The objectives of the clinical chemistry fellowship program at the NIH are to train individuals to manage high complexity laboratories, to become clinically oriented and participate in a variety of largely translational research projects. | NIH Clinical Center | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
147 | IARC grant programme | Medicine | The International Agency for Research on Cancer houses both epidemiology and laboratory Groups allowing it to fulfil its mission: to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, to elucidate the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer prevention and control. | World Health Organization | training.iarc.fr |
148 | ACS Award in industrial chemistry | Chemistry | To recognize outstanding contributions to chemical research in the industrial context. Significant creative contribution to chemistry in any field of chemical, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical, or biochemical research. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
149 | Geriatric medicine fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The goal of the program is to develop academic leaders with skills in clinical geriatrics, gerontologic research and geriatric medical education. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
150 | Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - Postdoctoral research program | Chemical Engineering | Research Associates pursue research as part of ongoing LANL science and engineering programs. | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | app.grad.illinois.edu |
151 | SPIE award | Chemical Engineering | The SPIE Technology Achievement Award is given annually to recognize outstanding technical accomplishment in optics, electro-optics, photonic engineering, or imaging. | SPIE | spie.org |
152 | Colgate-Palmolive grant for alternative research | Chemical Engineering | The Colgate-Palmolive Grant for Alternative Research will identify and support efforts that promote, develop, refine, or validate scientifically acceptable animal alternative methods to facilitate the safety assessment of new chemicals and formulations. | Society of Toxicology | www.toxicology.org |
153 | Household Hazardous Waste collection program grant | Chemical Engineering | Grants are available to registered sponsors of collection programs for household hazardous waste (HHW), electronics, and tires (but not tire pile cleanups). | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | www.depreportingservices.state.pa.us |
154 | Award in chemical instrumentation | Chemical Engineering | Demonstration of innovative use of instrumentation in chemical measurement. Stimulation of other researchers to use instrumentation in chemical measurement. Authorship of research papers or books that have had an influential role in the use of chemical instrumentation. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
155 | Gabor A. Somorjai award for creative research in catalysis | Chemical Engineering | To recognize outstanding theoretical, experimental, or developmental research resulting in the advancement of understanding or application of catalysis. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
156 | George C. Pimentel award in chemical education | Chemical Engineering | To recognize outstanding contributions to chemical education. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
157 | J. Calvin Giddings award for excellence in education | Chemistry | Design and implementation of a successful new approach to teaching analytical chemistry. Design of improved equipment for teaching labs. Publication of widely quoted articles on teaching analytical chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
158 | Arthur F. Findeis award for young analytical scientists | Chemistry | To recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to the fields of analytical chemistry by a young analytical scientist. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
159 | Satinder Ahuja award for young investigators | Chemistry | To recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to the field of separation science by a young chemist or chemical engineer. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
160 | Harry Gray award for creative work in inorganic chemistry by a young investigator | Chemistry | To recognize creative and impactful work by a young investigator in a forefront area of inorganic chemistry. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
161 | Emerging technologies | Computer Science | CSF and WML focus on developments in three emerging and converging technologies in particular: Nanotechnology, Synthetic biology, Geoengineering. | CS Fund and Warsh-Mott Legacy | csfund.org |
162 | Discretionary grant program | Computer Science | Smaller grants of up to $3,000. There is no deadline for this program; applications are accepted at any time. Applicants should contact Virginia Humanities staff in advance before submitting a Discretionary Grant proposal. | Virginia Foundation for the Humanities | www.virginiahumanities.org |
163 | RLS Foundation research grant program | Computer Science | The RLS Foundation Research Grant Program supports basic and clinical restless legs syndrome (RLS) research. The Foundation challenges the research community to generate novel ideas to unlock the mysteries that will ultimately lead to a cure for this often devastating disease. | Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation | www.rls.org |
164 | Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research award | Computer Science | Award winners are honoured for their outstanding research record and invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually. The award is valued at €45,000. | Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung | www.humboldt-foundation.de |
165 | Facebook fellowship program | Computer Science | The Facebook Fellowship Program and Emerging Scholar Awards are designed to encourage and support promising doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant research in areas related to computer science and engineering. | research.fb.com | |
166 | Leslie Bernstein grants program | Computer Science | The Leslie Bernstein Grants Program is generously funded by an endowment from Leslie Bernstein, MD, DDS. Two $5,000 Resident Research Grants, one $15,000 Investigator Development Grant, and one $25,000 Bernstein Grant may be awarded yearly. | Educational and Research Foundation for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | www.aafprs.org |
167 | The Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation grant - New investigators | Computer Science | DTRF is the only foundation in the country dedicated to facilitating and funding research for a cure for desmoid tumors. | Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation | dtrf.org |
168 | Research & education grants | Computer Science | Research & Education Grants encourage that systems research approach in sustainable agriculture. | Southern SARE | www.southernsare.org |
169 | LAM Foundation grant | Computer Science | The objective of this grant is to provide funds to encourage the development and testing of new hypotheses and/or new methods in research areas relevant to LAM. | LAM Foundation | www.thelamfoundation.org |
170 | Post-baccalaureate fellows | Medicine | Interdisciplinary department strives to create an academic environment where our fellows have the opportunity to learn many aspects of bioethics, as well as support to develop and implement an independent scholarship agenda, with guidance from faculty mentors. | NIH Clinical Center | www.bioethics.nih.gov |
171 | Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education | Medicine | The Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education, part of the American Academy of Dermatology, provides grant support for innovative initiatives in education and technology. | American Academy of Dermatology | www.aad.org |
172 | Endocrinology fellowship | Medicine | The goal of our fellowship is to prepare internists for careers in academic medicine or clinical practice in the broad field of endocrinology. | Hitchcock Foundation | gme.dartmouth-hitchcock.org |
173 | Armstrong McDonald Foundation Grant | Medicine | The foundation supports a great variety of projects related to health issues ranging from lab supplies for teaching hospitals to multi-drug resistance research. | Armstrong McDonald Foundation | www.armstrongmcdonaldfoundation.org |
174 | H.E.A.T.Grants (Healthcare Employees Achieving Tomorrow) | Medicine | The Grant Allocations Committee of H.E.A.T. (Healthcare Employees Achieving Tomorrow) annually awards grants to non-profit organizations and Navicent entities for healthcare projects or programs. Since 1996, the H.E.A.T. Trust Fund has awarded approximately $6 million to improve the health of the communities we serve. | Navicent Health Foundation | www.navicenthealth.org |
175 | Hepatology fellowship program | Medicine | NIDDK’s Hepatology Fellowship Program has a long tradition of training fellows worldwide for a career in academic hepatology. The program also supports the opportunity for earning a concomitant Master's Degree in Clinical Research. | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | www.niddk.nih.gov |
176 | Washington Square Health Foundation grant | Medicine | The Washington Square Health Foundation grant making process is conducted by the Board of Directors based upon an evaluation of each project request. Projects must have the support of appropriate organizations and/or governmental units in the community where the project is to be carried out. | Washington Square Health Foundation | wshf.org |
177 | Dermatology residency program | Medicine | The Dermatology Residency program is a fully ACGME-accredited training opportunity that recruits and graduates two residents a year for our three-year program. | Hitchcock Foundation | gme.dartmouth-hitchcock.org |
178 | Research grants | Psycology | The foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world. The amount of the award is up to 40, 000 USD. | Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation | www.hfg.org |
179 | SuperLab research grants | Computer Science | To aid one undergraduate and one graduate Psi Chi member in building and conducting computer-based experiments.SuperLab 5 is testing software for research purposes; allowing users to easily build and conduct complex experiments while collecting response and response time data. | Psi Chi | www.psichi.org |
180 | The Paul D. MacLean award for outstanding neuroscience research in psychosomatic medicine | Psycology | This award is intended to honor Dr. MacLean and promote the line of research that he created on emotion, the brain and physical disease. The award consists of up to $1500 in travel expenses, complimentary meeting registration, a plaque, and the opportunity to give a talk at the American Psychosomatic Society (APS) Annual Meeting. | American Psychosomatic Society | www.psychosomatic.org |
181 | Roy Scrivner memorial research grants | Psycology | The program seeks to encourage the study of LGBT family psychology and therapy through its support of promising young investigators whose graduate research is oriented toward issues in this general area. | American Psychological Foundation | www.apa.org |
182 | The School of Mathematics | Psycology | The School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study welcomes applications from mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists at the post-doctoral and mid-to-senior career levels, and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. | Institute for Advanced Study | www.math.ias.edu |
183 | Sports medicine fellowship | Psycology | The Utah Valley Sports Medicine Fellowship offers the keys you need to succeed as a sports medicine physician. Year-round clinic exposure and rotations allow you to consistently strengthen your base of knowledge while developing valuable relationships within the community. | Intermountain Healthcare | intermountainhealthcare.org |
184 | Four-year PhD studentships in science | Social sciences | This scheme offers the most promising students in-depth postgraduate training at 32 programmes throughout the UK. | Wellcome Trust | wellcome.ac.uk |
185 | Cottrell scholar award | Social sciences | The Cottrell Scholar Award develops outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their academic leadership skills. | Research Corporation for Science Advancement | rescorp.org |
186 | Short-term fellowships | Social sciences | The Short-Term Fellowship Program allows selected candidates to come to STRI at any time of the year and is an excellent resource to provide support for graduate students and introduce them to tropical research. | Smithsonian Institution | stri.si.edu |
187 | SFACF Spot grant - Environment | Environmental sciences | Protection of natural areas, conservation of energy, prevention and elimination of pollution or hazardous waste, wildlife protection, water quality. | Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation | www.sfacf.org |
188 | Earl S. Tupper three-Year postdoctoral fellowship | Environmental sciences | The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) invites applications forthe Earl S. Tupper three-year postdoctoral fellowship. Research area: ecology, anthropology, paleontology, paleoecology, evolutionarybiology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, animal behavior, neurobiology, soilssciences, and physiology of tropical plants and animals. | Smithsonian Institution | stri.si.edu |
189 | Lila and Murray Gruber Memorial cancer research award and lectureship | Medicine | The purpose of this award is to encourage participation in cancer research. At the discretion of the task force, the award may be divided between two worthy nominees. | American Academy of Dermatology | www.aad.org |
190 | S&R Foundation Ryuji Ueno award | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | The Ryuji Ueno Award is given annually for research on wound healing, tissue remodeling, organ regeneration, or stem cell biology. The amount of the grant is up to 30, 000 USD. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
191 | AAI-Steinman award for human immunology research | Medicine | This award recognizes significant contributions to the understanding of immune processes underlying human disease pathogenesis, prevention, or therapy. | American Association of Immunologists | www.aai.org |
192 | ERS | EMBO Fellowships: Long-term fellowships | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ERS |EMBO joint fellowships are basic science fellowships in respiratory science with a research project in molecular biology. | European Molecular Biology Organization | www.embo.org |
193 | Food allergy research | Medicine | There is an opening for a postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratory of Allergic Diseases, NIAID, NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | www.training.nih.gov |
194 | Noshir T. Mistry fellowship in the history of chemical engineering | Chemistry | The goal of the grant programm is to investigate diverse topics in the history of chemical engineering, including chemical process engineering and chemical product engineering. | Science History Institute | www.sciencehistory.org |
195 | Genetics - Large grant | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | The Genetics Funding Area seeks to advance genetics research by supporting novel approaches, especially research that is undervalued by traditional funding sources. | John Templeton Foundation | www.templeton.org |
196 | Grant in the area of pharmacology | Pharmacology | The goal is to teach and demonstrate the application of fundamental principles of pharmacology in the design of rational therapeutic regimens for patients, with a particular emphasis in anticancer therapy. | National Institutes of Health | www.cc.nih.gov |
197 | National Eye Institute Grant Programme | Medicine | Clinical trials in vision research. | National Eye Institute | nei.nih.gov |
198 | Post-doctoral awards | Medicine | These programms support individuals with a doctorate (Ph.D., M.D., O.D., Dr.PH, or D.V.M.) who are interested in academic careers in basic or clinical research in ophthalmology, vision or related sciences. One year grants of $22,500 are awarded for start dates between July 1 and September 1. | Fight for Sight | www.fightforsight.org |
199 | Josef Loschmidt Award | Chemistry | The Josef Loschmidt Award was founded by an endowment from Dr Alfred Bader for excellence in physical organic chemistry, including organic structures, reactivity and reaction mechanisms, however studied.It is awarded biennially and includes a prize of £2,000. | Royal Society of Chemistry | www.rsc.org |
200 | University of Adelaide Grant | Chemistry | Research on the production of fuels and chemicals using abundant sources like water, carbon dioxide and sunlight by an integrated reaction system. | University of Adelaide | www.adelaide.edu.au |
# | Title | Area | Description | Funder | Link to source |
1 | Scholars’ workshop | History | Each summer up to eight untenured scholars gather at the Omohundro Institute for two weeks to work both as a group and individually with OI editors and staff on either a manuscript chapter or a journal article in progress. Two weeks programm includes seminar-style meetings on conceptual development, manuscript editing, and source verification as well as time for writing, revising, and consulting. | Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, College of William and Mary | oieahc.wm.edu |
2 | Conference/Workshop | History | The Foundation provides fellowships and grants to support graduate students and young scholars who are working in the history of science and technology in modern East Asia. Comparative studies of East Asia and the West as well as studies in related fields (mathematics, medicine and public health) are also welcome. | D. Kim Foundation | dkimfoundation.org |
3 | Traveling/Research grant | History | The Foundation provides fellowships and grants to support graduate students and young scholars who are working in the history of science and technology in modern East Asia. Comparative studies of East Asia and the West as well as studies in related fields (mathematics, medicine and public health) are also welcome. | D. Kim Foundation | dkimfoundation.org |
4 | Overseas consultant - BOFAS bursary | Medicine | Applications are invited for Overseas Consultant Bursaries from the British Foot & Ankle Society | British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society | www.bofas.org.uk |
5 | John Beynon fund | Chemistry | This fund is dedicated to the memory of John Beynon, an eminent mass spectrometrist and one of the founders of this Society. John Beynon was awarded the BMSS Aston Medal to recognise his contributions to the field of mass spectrometry. | British Mass Spectrometry Society | www.bmss.org.uk |
6 | Student travel grants | Theology | The programm of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning includes travel for attendance at conferences, seminars, research. The grants are one-time awards up to $1,000. Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis. | Boston College | www.bc.edu |
7 | Scholarly conference | Art | The purpose is to support eligible members of the University to make scholarly presentations or to give artistic performances in national and international venues. | University of Victoria | www.uvic.ca |
8 | Small meeting grants | History/Art | Meetings may include seminars, research, brainstorming or other continuing education endeavors that support professional development. | Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | www.conservation-us.org |
9 | The Gregory O'Brien fellowship | Medicine | The fellowship is intended to encourage psychiatric trainees and young consultants to broaden their academic and clinical knowledge in a centre of excellence either in the UK or abroad. | Royal College of Psychiatrists | www.rcpsych.ac.uk |
10 | Trainee travel award | Medicine | Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI) is committed to providing support for trainees engaged in research at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre under the supervision of a SRI scientist. | Sunnybrook Research Institute | sunnybrook.ca |
11 | Minor conference and events award | Philosophy | A number of smaller awards of up to £1000 are offered twice a year for a broader range of activities on the history of philosophy, including conferences, workshops, regular research seminars, workshops, public lectures, and special panels in conferences. | British Society for the History of Philosophy | www.bshp.org.uk |
12 | Funding for conferences | History | Grant includes two levels of funding: Smaller conferences can apply for 500 to defray the cost of postgraduate attendance (fees, subsistence, etc.). | Classical Association | classicalassociation.org |
13 | Funding for Larger conferences | History | We provide funding for conferences on a Classical theme, hosted by UK Classics departments with substantial postgraduate participation. There are two levels of funding available: | Classical Association | classicalassociation.org |
14 | Study visit grants | Psychology | The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant's research skills, and may involve learning at first hand about experimental procedures employed in the host laboratory, or designing and running studies. | Experimental Psychology Society | eps.ac.uk |
15 | Grants programme - Conferences, lectures and publications | Art | This grant category provides support for books, journals and conferences on the subject of sculpture. The maximum grant available is £5,000. | Henry Moore Foundation | www.henry-moore.org |
16 | NIOSH Support for conferences and scientific meetings (R13) | Health | The purpose of the NIOSH Conference Grant Program (R13) is to support high quality, investigator-initiated scientific conferences/meetings that are relevant to its scientific mission and to the public health. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | www.grants.gov |
17 | Messel travel bursary | Chemistry | Messel Bursaries are funded by the Messel Trust Fund for postgraduate students to support their attendance at meetings and/or laboratory visits for activities related to chemical science (including all life sciences), engineering and technology. | Society of Chemical Industry | www.soci.org |
18 | NIH Support for conferences and scientific meetings | Health | The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant (R13) is to support high quality conferences that are relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating Institutes and Centers. | National Institutes of Health | www.grants.gov |
19 | SCI travel bursary | Chemistry | The SCI Bursary is designed to support the career development of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and industrial researchers, by helping them to broaden their vision and share cutting-edge knowledge at international conferences or laboratory visits. | Society of Chemical Industry | www.soci.org |
20 | SNSF scientific exchanges | Multidisciplinary | Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country. | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | www.epfl.ch |
21 | GHIL grants | History/Political science | Investigation of both the history of knowledge and the history of practices of monarchy combining political, diplomatic, dynastic, gender history and the history of kinship. | German Historical Institute London | www.ghil.ac.uk |
22 | Conference grants | Medicine | Proposals for the support of scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops relevant to the JDRF mission | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation United States of America | grantcenter.jdrf.org |
23 | Symposium grant | Multidisciplinary | The Grant is part of the Society’s aim to promote and support scholarship in the field of design history and to play a role in shaping an inclusive and innovative field. The DHS Day Symposium Grant aims to support high quality, original research activity. | Design History Society | www.designhistorysociety.org |
24 | Student travel award | Multidisciplinary | The Grant is part of the Society’s aim to promote and support scholarship in the field of design history and to play a role in shaping an inclusive and innovative field. The DHS Day Symposium Grant aims to support high quality, original research activity. | Design History Society | www.designhistorysociety.org |
25 | Gail Fraser memorial conference travel grant | Multidisciplinary | In remembrance of Gail Fraser (1939–2011), Bruce Fraser has provided funds for a young scholar either in the final stages of doctoral studies to defray costs of attending the Society's annual conference. | Joseph Conrad Society | www.josephconradsociety.org |
26 | Paul Courtney award | History | The Paul Courtney Student Travel Award has been established to enable student members of the SPMA to participate in European conferences. | Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology | www.spma.org.uk |
27 | Tomlin fund | Maritime affairs | The Tomlin Fund was established in 1993. This fund supports research in historical maritime affairs by funding the New Researchers Conference each year as well as the King’s College London series of seminars. | Society for Nautical Research | snr.org.uk |
28 | Anderson fund | Maritime affairs | Support is given every year to conferences and lectures with nautical themes. | Society for Nautical Research | snr.org.uk |
29 | Conference and workshop grants | Linguistics | The Society for French Studies offers grants in support of conferences and pedagogic workshops held in the UK or Ireland and which are concerned with research, teaching and learning in any area of French studies. | Society for French Studies | www.sfs.ac.uk |
30 | Conference funding | Medicine | The Society for the Social History of Medicine awards financial assistance for conferences and workshops on the history of medicine. | Society for the Social History of Medicine | sshm.org |
31 | Student and trainee travel grants | Medicine | IPEM Prizes and Awards recognise leading contributions of individual IPEM members to the advancement of their profession, in the application of physics and engineering to medicine and biology. | Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine | www.ipem.ac.uk |
32 | Martin Burr bursary | History/linguistics | The Martin Burr Travel Bursary is granted by the Society to assist younger scholars and other deserving candidates to attend the annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society. | Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas | www.henrysweet.org |
33 | Travel bursaries | Medicine | to support (i) participation in international scientific meetings and (ii) visits to other laboratories for research purposes or to gain experience. | British Neuropathological Society | www.bns.org.uk |
34 | Topical workshops, symposia, and conferences | Multidisciplinary | Support is given to workshops, symposia, conferences, and other scientific/technical meetings that advance the goals and objectives of the following areas: Earth Science, Heliophysics, and Planetary Science. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | www.grants.gov |
35 | Fenner conferences on the environment | Ecology | The purpose of these conferences is to bring together those with relevant scientific, administrative and policy expertise to consider current environmental and conservation problems in Australia. | Australian Academy of Science | www.science.org.au |
36 | Boden Research Conferences | Biology | The Academy has established a series of small specialist conferences in the biological sciences to enable active research workers in rapidly advancing fields to discuss current advances and problems. | Australian Academy of Science | www.science.org.au |
37 | The John and Bryony Coles Bursary | History | The purpose of the bursary is to permit the recipients to travel abroad to gain a better understanding of prehistoric archaeology, through the active study of archaeology, whether by taking part in excavations, surveys or other fieldwork. | Prehistoric Society | www.prehistoricsociety.org |
38 | The British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Travelling Award, with the Besterman Centre for the Enlightenment | History | The award is open to any postgraduate enrolled in a higher education institution in the United Kingdom for research in France on any subject. | British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies | www.bsecs.org.uk |
39 | Organisation of a scientific conference in Belgium | Multidisciplinary | This grant, intended as co-funding, supports the organisation of scientific conferences in Belgium in which the international cooperation between the Flemish host institutions are central elements. | Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek | www.fwo.be |
40 | Travel Grants for PhD Students and Early Career Scientists | Chemistry | We are keen to support participation by PhD students and early career scientists in scientific conferences and workshops. | Royal Society of Chemistry | www.rsc.org |
41 | Travel Grants | Biology | The CoB travel grant supports students and early career scientists with travel to conferences, workshops, research trips and laboratory visits. | Society for Experimental Biology | www.sebiology.org |
42 | Medical Research Travel Grants | Medicine | The Foundation is mindful of the influence of new clinical and laboratory techniques on the advance of medical science, and are aware of the advantages that may be derived from visits to laboratories for the acquisition of new skills, and for setting up inter-institutional collaborative research. | Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation | www.wingatefoundation.org.uk |
43 | Travel Grants | Multidisciplinary | These grants are intended mainly to support attendance at scientific meetings that relate directly to the applicant's research interests, and where they will be presenting their original work. | Guarantors of Brain | www.guarantorsofbrain.org |
44 | WIS Grants | Multidisciplinary | The annual allowance ($2,000 ) is designated to cover: Flight expenses, room and board, and registration dues at local and international scientific conferences. Visits to laboratories and research groups abroad for the purpose of research collaboration. | Weizmann Institute of Science | www.weizmann.ac.il |
45 | Office of External Activities | Physics | The OEA promotes scientific cooperation through its support of scientific meetings and conferences. Its purpose is To form and strengthen national and regional communities and research groups by supporting institutions or national societies for physicists and mathematicians at all levels. | Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | www.ictp.it |
46 | Scientific Meeting Grants | Biology | The Company of Biologists supports and encourages the sharing of knowledge across the biological community. | Company of Biologists | www.biologists.com |
47 | Laboratory Visit Grant | Medicine | The purpose is to provide a sum annually to assist an eligible postgraduate student or junior postdoctoral worker, either of whom must be a member of the British Microcirculation Society*, to visit a laboratory in this country or abroad for the purpose of learning new techniques. | British Microcirculation Society | www.microcirculation.org.uk |
48 | Conference Grants | Philosophy | The British Society for the Philosophy of Science gives small conference grants to support conferences relevant to research and education in the philosophy of science. | British Society for the Philosophy of Science | www.thebsps.org |
49 | Scientific Conference | Multidisciplinary | The scheme is to promote networking, collaborations, communication and dissemination of research results through scientific conferences. | Alzheimer’s Research UK | www.alzheimersresearchuk.org |
50 | Travel Grants | History | Members can participate in scientific conferences, training courses or lab visits to learn new techniques with our General Travel Grants. | Biochemical Society | www.biochemistry.org |
51 | Student diversity travel grant | Anthropology | Established in 2004, these grants are intended to increase participation in AAA sessions and in archaeology more widely by students from historically under-represented populations. | American Anthropological Association | ad.americananthro.org |
52 | MEDI Travel grants | Chemistry | To aid young chemists in presenting papers at ACS national meetings. | American Chemical Society | www.acs.org |
53 | ASPB 2019 Sharon Gray Women's Young Investigator Travel Award (WYITA) | Biology | ASPB is now accepting applications via electronic submission for the Sharon Gray Women’s Young Investigator Travel Awards to attend Plant Biology 2019, which will be held this year in San Jose, California from August 3-7, 2019. Sharon Gray had a passion for and commitment to mentoring women in science. | American Society of Plant Biologists | aspb-wyita.secure-platform.com |
54 | NIOSH Support for conferences and scientific meetings (R13) | Medicine | The purpose of the NIOSH Conference Grant Program (R13) is to support high quality, investigator-initiated scientific conferences/meetings that are relevant to its scientific mission and to the public health. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | www.grants.gov |
55 | Marcel Nicolet lecture | Multidiciplinary | The Marcel Nicolet Lecture honors the life and work of physicist and meteorologist, Marcel Nicolet. This Space Physics and Aeronomy section named lecture is presented at the AGU Fall Meeting. | American Geophysical Union | honors.agu.org |
56 | Carl Sagan lecture | Geophysics | The Carl Sagan Lecture honors the life and work of astronomer and astrophysicist, Carl Sagan. Trained in astronomy and biology, Sagan was a leader in establishing the field of Astrobiology and a tireless educator, author and space advocate. | American Geophysical Union | honors.agu.org |
57 | Reginald Daly lecture | Geophysics | The Reginald Daly Lecture honors the life and work of geologist is presented annually during the AGU Fall Meeting.The Daly Lecture is webcast and made available as an archived presentation on the AGU website. | American Geophysical Union | honors.agu.org |
58 | Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) | Language | RLASP combines intensive classroom instruction in Russian language, history, and culture with a wide range of immersion activities, excursions, and regional travel. Participants regularly pursue volunteer opportunities, internships, and personal interests in an overseas | American Councils | www.acrussiaabroad.org |
59 | Sawyer seminars | History | The Mellon Foundation's Sawyer Seminars were established in 1994 to provide support for comparative research on the historical and cultural sources of contemporary developments. The seminars, named in honor of the Foundation's long-serving third president, John E. Sawyer, have brought together faculty, foreign visitors, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | mellon.org |
60 | The John Bud Velde visiting scholar program | Multidiciplinary | The Rare Book & Manuscript Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign is the University’s principal repository of early printing, rare editions, and manuscripts. Since 2006, the Velde Visiting Scholar program has provided financial support to researchers unaffiliated with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who have compelling research projects that would benefit from use of our collections. | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | www.library.illinois.edu |
61 | Global exchange lecture courses | Biology | EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Courses enable scientific exchange beyond European borders. The aim of a lecture course is to teach participants, primarily PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, about a particular topic in the life science. | European Molecular Biology Organization | www.embo.org |
62 | Research team seminars | Anthropology | With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), SAR offers a Research Team Seminar program to advance collaborative and interdisciplinary research in anthropology. The program supports at least two seminars each year for research teams. | School for Advanced Research | sarweb.org |
63 | Mathematics mentoring travel grants | Mathematics | The objective of the NSF-AWM Mathematics Mentoring Travel Grants is to help junior women to develop a long-term working and mentoring relationship with a senior mathematician. This relationship should help the junior mathematician to establish her research program and eventually receive tenure. | Association for Women in Mathematics | sites.google.com |
64 | Richard H. Jahns lectureship fund | Geology | The Richard H. Jahns Fund of the AEG Foundation supports the travel expenses or honoraria, or both, of selected speakers who present information about engineering geology and environmental geology to diverse practitioner, student, faculty, and public audiences. | AEG Foundation | www.aegfoundation.org |
65 | Roy J. Shlemon specialty conference fund | Geology | The Roy J. Shlemon Specialty Conference Fund supports specialty and advanced practice conferences of interest to the members of the Association of Engineering and Environmental Geologists. | AEG Foundation | www.aegfoundation.org |
66 | Conferences and workshops in the mathematical sciences | Mathematics | Conferences, workshops, and related events (including seasonal schools and international travel by groups) support research and training activities of the mathematical sciences community. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
67 | Donaghy lectureship | Medicine | This is an invited lectureship at AANS/CNS section on cerebrovascular surgery scientific session at the AANS Annual Meeting. | Congress of Neurological Surgeons | www.cns.org |
68 | Short-term travel awards at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American history | History | Short-term Travel Awards at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History To encourage use of its equity-related collections, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History offers support in the form of short-term travel awards for researchers to come to the Museum and use the Archives Center's 20,000 feet of archival materials. | Smithsonian Institution | www.smithsonianofi.com |
69 | Travel grant for research meetings | Multidiciplinary | To support early career researchers interested in attending a scientific conference or meeting to present alopecia areata-related abstracts or posters. Meetings of particular interest include: the Society for Investigative Dermatology, the Montagna Symposium, the International Congress on Autoimmunity, and other relevant meetings in immunology, skin and hair research. | National Alopecia Areata Foundation | www.naaf.org |
70 | Traveling exhibitions | History | Traveling panel exhibitions are available for display at schools, libraries, and other sites in the continental United States. These informative, colorful exhibitions cover ten major topics in American history, from leading figures like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Frederick Douglass to important moments like the Progressive Era, World War I, and the Freedom Rides. | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History | www.gilderlehrman.org |
71 | Research & travel awards in international history & security | Multidiciplinary | Supported by the Smith Richardson Foundation, these awards provide support to graduate students for summer and yearlong archival research in the field of security studies, especially international, diplomatic, political, and military history. They can also be used for summer language study. | Yale University | iss.yale.edu |
72 | Visiting scholars | Multidiciplinary | The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) hosts scholars from around the world who are conducting research on topics related to Europe and/or Eurasia (the territory corresponding to the former Soviet Union). These visiting scholars include senior scholars, post-doctoral scholars, and advanced graduate students. Visiting Scholars present on their research as part of IERES’ visiting scholar roundtable event series. | Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University | ieres.elliott.gwu.edu |
73 | Dean Franklin young investigator award | Physiology | The Dean Franklin Young Investigator Award has been established by Data Sciences International (DSI) in recognition of Franklin's role in the development of instrumentation to monitor physiological function in conscious research animals. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
74 | Science policy lectures | Biology | The EMBO Science Policy Programme has limited funds to offer organizers of a scientific event the opportunity to include a non-scientific talk addressing the policy implications of science and technology, including, but not limited to, discussions about ethics, economics, politics, and law. | European Molecular Biology Organization | www.embo.org |
75 | Global exchange lecture series | Biology | EMBO Global Activities intends to expand the EMBO philosophy of catalyzing scientific exchange and fostering talented researchers beyond European borders. It aims specifically at countries that are increasingly committing resources to attain talent, knowledge and skills. | European Molecular Biology Organization | www.embo.org |
76 | Conference grants | Biochemistry | MDA supports conferences, meetings, and workshops that facilitate the exchange of scientific ideas and crucial information relevant to diseases covered under the MDA umbrella. | Muscular Dystrophy Association | www.mda.org |
77 | Visitor program | Physics | The Institute was created in response to the concerns of the Atomic and Molecular Physics community and it is dedicated to serving the community. | Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Harvard University | www.cfa.harvard.edu |
78 | Visiting scholars | Multidiciplinary | The Center for the Art of East Asia invites established scholars with the Ph.D. degree and affiliation with a university, museum, or similar institution to spend a year in residence to conduct research and participate in workshops and joint research projects. | Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago | voices.uchicago.edu |
79 | Richard Newton Lolley travel grant | Medicine | Richard Newton Lolley Travel Grant is in memory of Richard Newton Lolley, PhD, whose contributions to vision research helped establish the biochemical and molecular pathway of cGMP metabolism in the photoreceptor and in our understanding of the importance of the delicate balance of the photoreceptor in health and disease. | ARVO Foundation for Eye Research | www.arvo.org |
80 | Kristeller-Popkin travel fellowships | History | Sponsored by the Journal of the History of Philosophy, these fellowships are in recognition of the scholarship and generous support that two of the founding members of the JHP Board of Directors have given to the journal: Paul Oskar Kristeller (one of the founding directors of JHP and renowned Renaissance scholar) and Richard Popkin (first editor of JHP and noted historian of skepticism). | Journal of the History of Philosophy | sites.ualberta.ca |
81 | Visiting scientist program | Astrophysics | The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory has a Visiting Scientist and Visiting Student Program to expand scholarly exchange in atomic and molecular physics; infrared, optical, radio, and X-ray astronomy; planetary sciences; geophysics; solar and stellar physics; and theoretical astrophysics. | Smithsonian Institution | www.cfa.harvard.edu |
82 | Graduate student summer seminar | Multidiciplinary | The Yale Center for British Art offers a biennial Graduate Student Summer Seminar, which takes the form of a weeklong intensive course taught by a team of scholars from the Center and other institutions. | Yale Center for British Art, Yale University | britishart.yale.edu |
83 | Graduate or medical student - International early career physiologist travel awards | Physiology | The International Early Career Physiologist (IECP) Travel Awards are presented to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty members who work outside the United States. This initiative of the International Physiology Committee is designed to assist with travel expenses. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
84 | Visiting scholars program | Multidiciplinary | The Visiting Scholars Program of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute is designed to enable faculty and scholars from or with ties to East Asia to enrich their academic careers by engaging in research and scholarship related to East Asia at Columbia University. | Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University | weai.columbia.edu |
85 | Comparative perspectives on Chinese culture and society - Planning meetings | Multidiciplinary | These grants for collaborative work in China studies are funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. In this cycle of competitions ACLS invites proposals in the humanities and related social sciences that adopt an explicitly cross-cultural or comparative perspective. | American Council of Learned Societies | www.acls.org |
86 | Business history travel research grants | Geology | Business History Travel Grants are available for scholars who are working on business related projects. DeGolyer Library has numerous notable collections in this field including the archives of Texas Instruments, J. Erick Jonsson, J.C. Penny, Stanley Marcus, Belo Corporation, and the Baldwin Locomotive works, as well as extensive collections of trade catalogs and photographs. | William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University | www.smu.edu |
87 | Annual scientific meeting and educational course - Abstract submission | Medicine | The SAR Annual Scientific Meeting and Educational Course brings together outstanding educators for a program highlighting: Use of new and emerging technologies in the imaging diagnosis of abdominal and pelvic pathology Problem solving for common issues in abdominal and pelvic imaging with practical solutions Extensive small group workshop presentations allowing registrants to individualize the educational content | Society of Abdominal Radiology | www.abdominalradiology.org |
88 | John F. Perkins, Jr. memorial award for international physiologists | Physiology | The John F. Perkins, Jr. Memorial Award for International Physiologists promotes cultural exchange and scientific collaborations by providing supplementary aid to families of foreign scientists working for a minimum of 3 months in the U.S. Application for the Perkins Award must be made jointly by the host, who must be an APS member, and the visiting scientist. | American Physiological Society | www.the-aps.org |
89 | ANZSBT Travel grants to the ASM | Medicine | To assist members with attendance at annual scientific meetings. | Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion | anzsbt.org.au |
90 | Patrick Wall international meetings bursary | Medicine | Professor Patrick Wall had an international reputation for research work on pain, especially the application of basic research towards clinical benefit. In particular, he was keen to promote the work of young researchers. The Society has made funds available to assist scientists, clinical or allied health practitioners . | British Pain Society | www.britishpainsociety.org |
91 | The James R. Scobie award | History | Up to $1,500 is awarded each year for an exploratory research trip abroad to determine the feasibility of a Ph.D. dissertation topic dealing with some facet of Latin American history. One or more travel grants will be awarded each year. The awards will be made by a committee appointed by the CLAH president and confirmed by the CLAH General Committee. | Conference on Latin American History | clah.h-net.org |
92 | AMS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) workshop | Mathematics | Every year, the American Mathematical Society (AMS) sponsors two students to participate in the Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) workshop, organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. | American Mathematical Society | www.ams.org |
93 | James J. Whalen academic symposium | Multidiciplinary | The 22nd Annual James J. Whalen Academic Symposium is a celebration of student research, scholarship, and creativity featuring oral presentations, poster presentations, and creative works by students from all academic disciplines (graduate and undergraduate.) | Ithaca College | www.ithaca.edu |
94 | Energy Technology Division: Young professional travel grants | Energy | The Energy Technology Division offers travel grants of up to $500 each plus a registration waiver to young professionals (either early career or young faculty) presenting papers at ECS Meetings. Eligible young professionals must be scheduled to present a paper in a symposium sponsored or cosponsored by the Energy Technology Division. | Electrochemical Society | www.electrochem.org |
95 | Molecular genetic pathology fellowship | Molecular biology | The overall goal of this one-year training program is to provide extensive training in molecular diagnostics and molecular genetics, including inherited genetic disorders, disorders of human development, infectious disease, neoplasia, and identity testing | Massachusetts General Hospital | www.massgeneral.org |
96 | Medical microbiology fellowship | Molecular biology | The Medical Microbiology Fellowship at MGH provides advance training to prepare pathologists and infectious disease specialists as future directors of clinical microbiology laboratories. | Massachusetts General Hospital | www.massgeneral.org |
97 | Medical speech-language pathology postdoctoral fellowship | Medicine | This fellowship offers an excellent opportunity for doctoral-level speech and language pathologists to refine their clinical skills. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
98 | Hematopathology fellowship | Medicine | The program is designed to provide the trainee broad exposure to all facets of diagnostic hematopathology including: blood and bone marrow morphology, lymph node pathology, body fluid interpretation There is close interaction with the clinical hematology service. | Hitchcock Foundation | gme.dartmouth-hitchcock.org |
99 | Graduate Medical Education (GME): Clinical chemistry | Medicine | The objectives of the clinical chemistry fellowship program in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the NIH are to train individuals to manage high complexity laboratories, to become clinically oriented and participate in a variety of largely translational research projects, to develop their own research foci. | NIH Clinical Center | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
100 | PhD Training fellowships for clinicians | Medicine | This scheme offers clinicians the opportunity to undertake a PhD within a structured and mentored training environment. | Wellcome Trust | wellcome.ac.uk |
101 | Cardiovascular pathology fellowship | Medicine | This program is aimed at better understanding and diagnosing routine, complex and esoteric pathologic specimens relating to cardiovascular conditions and diseases. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
102 | Donald E. & Delia Baxter Foundation faculty fellows program | Medicine | The Foundation is interested in supporting innovative, cutting-edge research that leads to the development of new therapies, diagnostic tools, and disease prevention. Two awards, ranging from $50,000 to $100,000, are presented each year. | University of Southern California | research.usc.edu |
103 | Cytopathology fellowship | Molecular biology | This fellowship provides one full year of advanced training in diagnostic cytology and the performance of FNAs in an FNA clinic. The fellow is encouraged to design and complete a research project, and resources include a circulating tumor cell core facility and molecular diagnostics. | Brigham and Women's Hospital | www.brighamandwomens.org |
104 | Hematopathology fellowship | Medicine | This program is designed to provide fellows with a comprehensive educational experience that is centered on acquiring a broad understanding of the pathogenesis and diagnosis of hematologic disorders. The program emphasizes diagnostic tissue hematopathology, which requires integration of morphologic findings with results obtained with specialized test modalities. | Brigham and Women's Hospital | www.brighamandwomens.org |
105 | Training program in lung physiology and biomedical engineering | Medicine | The Training Program at Mayo Clinic cultivates the next generation of biomedical researchers in lung physiology and disease. The program provides multidisciplinary research training for doctoral students in the areas of respiratory physiology and biomedical engineering. | Mayo Clinic | www.mayo.edu |
106 | Massachusetts General Hospital fellowship | Medicine | The Clinical Vascular Medicine Fellowship Program at Massachusetts General Hospital is a one-year program, which is concentrated on diagnosis and management of patients with various aspects of vascular disease. | Massachusetts General Hospital | www.massgeneral.org |
107 | Allergy and immunology | Medicine | The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) offers a three-year, ACGME-accredited training program in allergy and immunology. This program, open to physicians who are well-grounded in clinical internal medicine or pediatrics, is designed to provide trainees with high-quality clinical and research training that will enable them to pursue careers in academic medicine. | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
108 | Transfusion medicine/blood banking | Medicine | The Department of Transfusion Medicine of the NIH Clinical Center offers a comprehensive two-year fellowship program in blood banking and immunohematology. This patient-oriented transfusion program provides specialized training for the hematologist and clinical pathologist. | NIH Clinical Center | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
109 | Allergic diseases | Medicine | The training grant in Allergic Diseases provides an intensive and thorough research experience in disciplines relevant to understanding the pathophysiology of allergic diseases. The goal is to produce highly focused investigators in this field. | Mayo Clinic | www.mayo.edu |
110 | Cancer molecular pathology | Medicine | This research laboratory uses a multidisciplinary approach involving genomics and bioinformatics along with cell culture and animal models to study recurrent genetic and epigenetic alterations in cancer. | National Cancer Institute | www.training.nih.gov |
111 | Medical genetics fellowship training program | Medicine | This program provides participants the opportunity to conduct genetics research in some of the world's most advanced laboratories, gain clinical experience in the Washington, D.C. area and develop expertise in basic and clinical genetics research. | National Human Genome Research Institute | www.genome.gov |
112 | Postdoctoral research opportunity in plant molecular biology | Biology | Design and implementation of experiments in the laboratory and greenhouse identifying and dissecting the genes controlling fruit ripening and postharvest quality traits during storage. | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | www.zintellect.com |
113 | Noel D. Matkin grant | Medicine | EAA provides funding for small grants in areas related to audiology services in educational settings. The awards are available to practitioners and students who are members of EAA for both reasearch and non-research based projects. | Educational Audiology Association | edaud.org |
114 | Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) - Curriculum development proposal | Health | The purpose of this program is to fund high priority integrated projects that will enhance the ability of producers and processors who have already adopted organic standards to grow and market high quality organic agricultural products. | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | www.grants.gov |
115 | Allergy and immunology | Medicine | The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) offers a 4-week elective in outpatient immunology and allergy for residents in internal medicine or pediatrics. | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
116 | Pediatric oncology | Medicine | The Pediatric Oncology Branch (POB) has active programs in drug development, experimental therapeutics, and immunotherapy. | NIH Clinical Center | www.cc.nih.gov |
117 | Clinical pharmacology training program | Medicine | The Clinical Pharmacology Training Program at Mayo Clinic is conducted in the laboratory-based programs of program faculty. Training is recommended for a two-year period, and trainees are eligible to become board certified in clinical pharmacology. | Mayo Clinic | www.mayo.edu |
118 | VABC Grants | Medicine | These innovative research projects will have a monumental impact in regard to the treatment and diagnosis of brain cancer. Donation helps scientists and doctors study various approaches that can one day eradicate brain cancer. | Voices Against Brain Cancer | www.voicesagainstbraincancer.org |
119 | Research grants | Medicine | Diabetes Action is committed to funding promising and innovative diabetes research with a special interest in alternative, complementary, integrative, and nutritional therapies to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes and its complications. | Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation | diabetesaction.org |
120 | Research innovation grants | Medicine | All AFSP research grants are designed to support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology and many others. Grants are not intended to support the development or implementation of prevention programs, educational programs, treatments, or other interventions. | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | afsp.org |
121 | Population and reproductive health program - United States | Medicine | Advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, with a focus on youth: expansion of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for youth, support youth-lead advocacy, funding new programs and evaluating their effectiveness. | David and Lucile Packard Foundation | www.packard.org |
122 | Pilot innovation grants | Medicine | The specific purpose of the Pilot Research Grant is to provide seed money for projects that show promise in opening up new areas of suicide research. | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | afsp.org |
123 | Scholar | Medicine | Through the Career Development Program, LLS supports talented blood cancer researchers in the early phase of their careers. The Scholar Award is for 5 years. The maximum award per year is $110,000 and includes the applicant's salary and fringe benefits. | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society | www.lls.org |
124 | AADR research fellowships | Medicine | Each Fellowship consists of a stipend of $2,100. Winners will be announced at the AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADR. Upon completion of the research (must be completed within two years) and presentation at the annual meeting, each recipient will then be awarded funds ($600) for transportation and accommodation expenses to the meeting. | American Association for Dental Research | www.iadr.org |
125 | Gertrude M. Cox scholarship | Medicine | The Cox Scholarship was established in 1989 to encourage more women to enter statistically oriented professions. Scholarship recipients receive a certificate and $1,000. | American Statistical Association | www.amstat.org |
126 | Career development grant | Medicine | Supporting the career of young surgeons in the field of colorectal surgery. The award is intended for the academic investigator demonstrating significant creativity in research relevant to the pathophysiology or management of diseases of the small bowel, colon, rectum, or anus. | ASCRS Research Foundation | www.fascrs.org |
127 | Clinic and Laboratory Integration Program (CLIP) grants | Medicine | The Cancer Research Institute funds research aimed at furthering the development of immunological approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. The program supports pre-clinical and translational research that can be directly applied to optimizing cancer immunotherapy in the clinic. | Cancer Research Institute | www.cancerresearch.org |
128 | The investigator development grant | Medicine | The purpose of the Investigator Development Grant is to support the work of a young faculty member in facial plastic surgery conducting significant clinical or laboratory research and involved in the training of resident surgeons in research. | Educational and Research Foundation for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | www.aafprs.org |
129 | Surgical oncology | Medicine | The Program trains surgeons in the growing field of surgical oncology. The program instructs surgical oncologists in a combined modality approach to the evaluation and treatment of cancer patients that includes primary surgical treatment, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy; and provides a solid basis for the conduct of clinical and laboratory research. | NIH Clinical Center | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
130 | Allergy and immunology training program | Medicine | NIAID offers a three-year, ACGME-accredited training program in allergy and immunology. This program is designed to provide trainees with the high-quality clinical and laboratory skills that will enable them to pursue careers in academic medicine. | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | www.niaid.nih.gov |
131 | AAOA Foundation research award | Medicine | The AAOA Foundation seeks to advance allergy research and treatment of otolaryngic conditions. Funds are available to support multiple projects each year; each project may have total direct costs of $10,000. | American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy Foundation | www.aaoallergy.org |
132 | Graduate Medical Education (GME): Hematology oncology | Medicine | The ACGME-accredited program provides a strong clinical grounding in hematology and oncology as well as a comprehensive introduction to clinical, laboratory and translational-based research. | National Institutes of Health | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
133 | Geriatric psychiatry fellowship | Medicine | The goal of the Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center is to prepare the psychiatrist to assume a leadership role in training other health care professionals in the essentials of diagnosis and management of psychiatric problems in the elderly and in treating older patients with complicated comorbid conditions. | Hitchcock Foundation | gme.dartmouth-hitchcock.org |
134 | Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery fellowship (Arizona) | Medicine | The 2-year Fellowship program at Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix, Arizona, gives fellowship-trained surgeons the opportunity to use innovative robotic and laparoscopic hysteroscopic technologies to treat benign and malignant gynecologic conditions. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
135 | Neurosurgical oncology fellowship | Medicine | Training in all aspects of surgical management of intra-axial brain tumors including tumors in eloquent cortex, awake craniotomy, electrophysiological mapping, intraventricular tumors, intra-operative MRI, laser-induced thermal therapy, etc. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
136 | Advanced endoscopy fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The one-year Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, offers advanced training in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. This fellowship is designed for physicians who are planning a career in gastroenterology as an investigative and consultative therapeutic endoscopist. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
137 | Advanced head and neck microvascular and reconstructive surgery fellowship | Medicine | Mayo Clinic in Arizona offers a one-year fellowship in Advanced Head and Neck Microvascular and Reconstructive Surgery and research of maxillomandibular reconstructive and rehabilitative techniques. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
138 | Multidisciplinary breast pathology fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The one-year Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology Fellowship Program exposes you to a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis of non-neoplastic and neoplastic breast disease. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
139 | Graduate Medical Education (GME): Neuro-Oncology | Medicine | The Neuro-Oncology fellowship program is designed to train academic Neuro-Oncologists and physician scientists across a range of medical subspecialties to be specialized in both clinical practice and/or research in Neuro-Oncology. | NIH Clinical Center | clinicalcenter.nih.gov |
140 | Abdominal transplant surgery fellowship (Arizona) | Medicine | The two-year Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship at Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, provides education, surgical experience, and clinical training in all aspects of multiorgan abdominal transplant and the care of transplant patients. Each year, Mayo surgeons at the Arizona campus perform about 70 to 80 liver transplants, 200 to 250 kidney transplants and 20 to 25 pancreas transplants. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
141 | Cardiovascular surgery fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The Cardiovascular Surgery Fellowship at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, is offered to individuals who have successfully completed an approved thoracic surgery residency or its equivalent and desire up to three years of additional cardiothoracic surgery training. Emphasis may be placed on any of the areas of thoracic, adult cardiac, congenital heart disease or cardiopulmonary transplantation. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
142 | Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The Minimally Invasive Surgical (MIS) Program at Mayo Clinic Rochester offers advanced training in minimal access approaches to surgical diseases including laparoscopic, endoscopic, and da Vinci-assisted. Fellows will receive training opportunities in gastrointestinal, bariatric, hernia, and solid-organ procedures. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
143 | Mechanical circulatory support and cardiac transplantation fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The Mechanical Circulatory Support and Cardiac Transplantation Fellowship is an advanced one-year fellowship offered through the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota. The fellowship develops proficiency in surgical implantation and medical management of mechanical circulatory devices and heart transplants. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
144 | General thoracic surgery fellowship (Minnesota) | Medicine | The advanced General Thoracic Surgery Fellowship at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, is offered to individuals who have recently successfully completed an approved thoracic surgery residency, or its equivalent, and desire an additional one or two years to supplement their training in general thoracic surgery. | Mayo Clinic | college.mayo.edu |
145 | Clinical pharmacology training program | Medicine | Training is recommended for a two-year period, and trainees are eligible to become board certified in clinical pharmacology. The laboratory-based programs available to trainees represent a wide variety of endeavors in pharmacological research, including but not limited to: Cancer therapy and clinical trials | Mayo Clinic | www.mayo.edu |
146 | Addiction psychiatry fellowship | Medicine | We offer rotations in residential, intensive outpatient, and regular outpatient levels of care. Fellows work with patients on residential care units at the VA Medical Center and Valley Vista rehabilitation center (which includes adolescent care), consult-liaison services of both academic medical centers, specialty clinics, community-based programs, and federally licensed opioid treatment centers. Fellows gain experience working on multidisciplinary teams and with patients in group and individual settings. | Hitchcock Foundation | gme.dartmouth-hitchcock.org |
147 | John Border memorial trauma fellowship | Medicine | Dr. Border was a pioneer in trauma research and patient care. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, he joined the University of Buffalo as a member of the department of surgery in 1965, was director of the trauma service at Erie County Medical Center and director of University of Buffalo's Trauma Research Program from 1968 until his retirement in 1991. | AO North America | applications.aona.org |
148 | Emerging investigator fellowship grant | Medicine | These grants are designed to support Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Clinical Investigator training for emerging pediatric cancer researchers to pursue exciting research ideas. Applicants must have completed two years of their fellowship, or not more than two years as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at the start of the award period. | Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation | pcrf-kids.org |
149 | Translational research grant | Medicine | This type of grant primarily funds new research protocols and therapies that hold promise for improved outcomes and accelerates cures from the laboratory bench to the bedside of children and teens with high-risk cancers. This Grant will be given to a program that involves open, multi-institutional cancer clinical trials, or consortia, and implements new approaches to therapy. This award may provide up to $100,000 per year and can be for multiple years. | Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation | pcrf-kids.org |
150 | Elekta investigator initiated research grant | Medicine | Research proposals shall be expected to demonstrate strong potential for clinical innovation, technological innovation or commercialization, relating to advancements in Elekta products and clinical solutions including Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT). | Elekta | www.elekta.com |
151 | VABC Grants | Medicine | These innovative research projects will have a monumental impact in regard to the treatment and diagnosis of brain cancer. Your donation helps scientists and doctors study various approaches that can one day eradicate brain cancer. | Voices Against Brain Cancer | www.voicesagainstbraincancer.org |
152 | General surgery resident research initiation grant | Medicine | To attract General Surgery Residents or recent graduates of such programs into the field of colon and rectal surgery by providing opportunities to engage in clinical or laboratory-based research focused on diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. | ASCRS Research Foundation | www.fascrs.org |
153 | Research grants | Medicine | Diabetes Action is committed to funding promising and innovative diabetes research with a special interest in alternative, complementary, integrative, and nutritional therapies to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes and its complications. | Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation | diabetesaction.org |
154 | Health | Medicine | The foundation supports a great variety of projects related to health issues ranging from lab supplies for teaching hospitals to multi-drug resistance research. Other examples of projects falling within this category are the need for medical related equipment, renovating areas of hospitals for specialized treatment.. | Armstrong McDonald Foundation | www.armstrongmcdonaldfoundation.org |
155 | Standard research innovation grants | Medicine | All AFSP research grants are designed to support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, social work, health services administration and many others. | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | afsp.org |
156 | Distinguished investigator innovation grants | Medicine | All AFSP research grants are designed to support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines, including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, social work, health services administration, and many others. Grants are not intended to support the development or implementation of prevention programs, educational programs, treatments, or other interventions that do not have a significant research component. | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | afsp.org |
157 | Population and reproductive health program: South Asia | Medicine | This subprogram seeks to: Ensure that women and young people receive quality contraceptive and reproductive health services Expand comprehensive sexuality education in schools and communities Ensure that women receive quality abortion care in private and government settings Build local and regional movements to increase political will, improve policies, and funding to support reproductive health and rights | David and Lucile Packard Foundation | www.packard.org |
158 | Population and reproductive health program: Sub-Saharan Africa | Medicine | We support efforts that: Ensure quality across a range of reproductive health services, including contraception, abortion, and post-abortion care Expand comprehensive sexuality education in schools and communities Build local and regional movements to advance political and financial support for sexual and reproductive health and rights Priority Geographies: Ethiopia, nationally and in Oromia Targeted investments in Rwanda and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Exploratory investments in regional initiatives to support advocacy | David and Lucile Packard Foundation | www.packard.org |
159 | History Fellowship Program | History | The Fellowship offers distinguished historians the opportunity to spend time at CFR writing a book about a significant historical event that offers lessons that can be applied to contemporary foreign-policy challenges. The fellow has the choice to work at CFR’s office in New York or Washington, DC. | Council on Foreign Relations | www.cfr.org |
160 | Linguistics program | Linguistics | The Linguistics Program supports basic science in the domain of human language, encompassing investigations of the grammatical properties of individual human languages, and of natural language in general. Research areas include syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, and phonology. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
161 | Luce Fund for theological education | Religion | The Luce Fund for Theological Education supports the development of new models of teaching and learning, research and publication, leadership development and educational program design. The Fund places central emphasis on the challenges of public engagement, within and across multiple religious traditions, and in a variety of different contexts. | Henry Luce Foundation | www.hluce.org |
162 | Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation grant | History/Religion | The Foundation's major fields of interest are: education, religion, historic preservation, medical programs and/or scientific research. | Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation | fredjbrothertoncharitablefoundation.org |
163 | Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS) major grants program | Religion | Calvin Center Working Group is composed of 8-15 participants, from a variety of academic disciplines or professional fields, who meet monthly for one year to discuss common readings and to explore from interdisciplinary perspectives a particular issue. | H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin College | calvin.edu |
164 | Mount Vernon fellowship | History | The Washington Library is extending its reach through a new academic partnership with King's College London to establish a scholarly exchange for a five-year period to support the Georgian Papers Programme. Mount Vernon's participation is funded through the generous support of the Amanda and Greg Gregory Family Fund. | Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association | www.mountvernon.org |
165 | Public awareness prize | History | There is a £50,000 prize fund shared between all the winners of the Public Awareness Prize, aimed at rewarding individuals or organisations raising public awareness of ongoing animal testing | Lush | lushprize.org |
166 | The Rabbi Ferdinand Isserman fellowship | History | The Marcus Center's Fellowship Program was founded with the intent of creating a forum where students and scholars of the American Jewish experience could gather together to research, discuss, and study their chosen topics. Under the auspices of this unique program scholars come to Cincinnati to conduct in-depth research at the American Jewish Archives and to take part in the academic community of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. | Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives | americanjewisharchives.org |
167 | The American Council for Judaism fellowship | Religion | the ACJ Fellowship supports the work of scholars who are pursuing critical and scientific research that promises to deepen our understanding of the history and development of American Judaism and the American Jewish experience. | Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives | americanjewisharchives.org |
168 | W. Bruce Lincoln book prize | Literature | The W. Bruce Lincoln Book Prize, sponsored by Mary Lincoln, is awarded biennially (in even numbered years) for an author's first published monograph or scholarly synthesis that is of exceptional merit and lasting significance for the understanding of Russia's past. | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies | www.aseees.org |
169 | Charles A. Lindbergh chair in aerospace history | History | The Charles A. Lindbergh Chair in Aerospace History is a competitive 12-month fellowship open to senior scholars with distinguished records of publication who are at work on, or anticipate being at work on, books in aerospace history. Applications must be submitted until the 1st of December annualy. Support is available for living expenses in the Washington, D.C, area up to a maximum of $100,000 a year. | Smithsonian Institution | airandspace.si.edu |
170 | Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) | Agriculture | Priorities for FY 2019 and FY 2020: Conduct advanced on-farm crop, livestock, or integrated livestock-crop research and development that emphasize observation of, experimentation with, and 6 innovation for organic farms, including production, marketing, and socioeconomic considerations. | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | www.grants.gov |
171 | A1141: Plant breeding for agricultural production | Agriculture | Целью программы «Здоровье растений, производство и продукты растительного происхождения» является обеспечение непрерывного роста производства за счет прорывных открытий и их преобразования в практику производства и защиты растений. | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | www.grants.gov |
172 | NAS Prize in food and agriculture sciences | Agriculture | The NAS Prize recognizes research by a scientist who has made an extraordinary contribution to agriculture or food production. | National Academy of Sciences | www.nasonline.org |
173 | Development of enhanced microwave soil moisture retrieval algorithms | Agriculture | The goal is to improve the current L-band microwave soil moisture products and to provide high spatial and temporal resolution soil moisture estimates for the benefit of the science and applications communities. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | npp.usra.edu |
174 | Enhancing Education through Technology (Ed-Tech) State program | Information Technology | The primary goal of this program is to improve student achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. | U.S. Department of Education | www2.ed.gov |
175 | Research science grant | Medicine | This type of grant primarily funds basic science, translational and/or clinical state of the art pediatric cancer research initiatives. The grant amount is up to $250,000/year. | Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation | pcrf-kids.org |
176 | Fellowships at the Wilson Center | Social/political sciences | Through an international competition, the Center offers 9-month residential fellowships. Fellows conduct research and write in their areas of interest, while interacting with policymakers in Washington and Wilson Center staff and other scholars in residence. | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | www.wilsoncenter.org |
177 | South Dakota fund grants | Multidisciplinary | Our grants focus on five areas of need: culture, economic development, education, health and human services Each year, approximately $500,000 in South Dakota Fund grants are awarded by the SDCF Board of Directors. | South Dakota Community Foundation | sdcommunityfoundation.org |
178 | Abney Foundation grants | Multidisciplinary | The general policy of The Abney Foundation is to make grants for innovative and creative projects, and to programs which are responsive to changing community needs in the areas of health, social service, education and cultural affairs. | Abney Foundation | www.abneyfoundation.org |
179 | Research grants | Medicine | The Research Grant and Training Fellowship Program provides funding for the clinical investigation of respiratory diseases. The Fund designates approximately $200,000 annually to support individual projects focusing on lung disease. | Stony Wold-Herbert Fund | www.stonywoldherbertfund.com |
180 | Marion E. Kenworthy - Sarah H. Swift Foundation grant | Psychiatry | The main purpose of this grant is to advance mental and emotional health of young people under age 21 by making grants to support innovative programs that advance the mental health of young people through social work, psychiatry, preventive psychiatry and community mental health. | Marion E. Kenworthy-Sarah H. Swift Foundation | www.kenworthyswiftfoundation.org |
181 | U.S. Department of Education grant | Education | This program funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies (LEAs) and institutions of higher education (IHEs) to help them recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted. | U.S. Department of Education | www2.ed.gov |
182 | Archaeology and archaeometry | Anthropology | The focus is on projects judged to be significant from an anthropological perspective, the Program sets no priorities based on time period, geographic region or specific research topic. | National Science Foundation | www.grants.gov |
183 | Development grants | Medicine | MDA Development Grants are awarded to senior researchers and are intended as seed money to help launch the scientific programs of promising new neuromuscular disease researchers. Development grants total $70,000 per year, for one to three years. | Muscular Dystrophy Association | www.mda.org |