06 March 2023
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project, announces a call for proposals for the Productive Sector Consortia I: Competence Centers Grant Program.
The Grant Program aims to create centers of competence to address systemic industry problems by developing new technologies (R&D), modeling and improving production processes on a laboratory scale ("model factory"), and analyzing and proposing recommendations on industry development.
Requirements for participants:
The applicants must create a consortium between several members within the grant program. The mandatory conditions of the consortium is the participation:
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Applicant (Consortium Leader) |
· scientific organization/university (resident of Kazakhstan) |
· industrial competence center, created by the order of sectoral ministry |
Consortium members |
· one (1) or more international center of excellence (from the QS Top 300 list for universities, and from the SCIMAGO Innovation Ranking Top 2000 for research centers); · one (1) or more production company (resident of Kazakhstan); · one (1) or more foreign production company; |
· one (1) or more scientific organization/university (resident of Kazakhstan) · one (1) or more international center of excellence (from the QS Top 300 list for universities, and from the SCIMAGO Innovation Ranking Top 2000 for research centers); · one (1) or more production company (resident of Kazakhstan); · one (1) or more foreign production company; |
Grant amount:
The maximum grant amount is up to 650 million tenge, implementation period up to 18 months. Co-financing must be at least 10 percent of the grant amount.
Priority areas
- Information and communication technologies, including the elements of Industry 4.0.
- New materials, Additive technologies, Nanotechnology.
- Biotechnology, new technologies in Medicine and Healthcare.
- New technologies in the manufacturing industry.
- Space Technology.
- Eco-friendly technologies, energy efficiency, energy conservation
and alternative energy.
- Electronic industry.
- Robotics
Selection process:
After the application process is completed, selection will proceed in several stages by international experts, and experts on industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan.
Expected results:
After completing the grant program, consortia that have received funding must provide increased membership in the consortium, a comprehensive analysis of industry development, commercialization of R&D, apply for an international patent, publish an article in a highly rated international scientific journal and conduct training for industry specialists among production companies.
Application deadline:
Applications are accepted starting from March 6, 2023 and ending on May 31, 2023, 18.00 Astana time*.
For more details on the grant program, please refer to the Productive Sector Consortia I Grant Program Manual through.
Applications are submitted via the Astanahub electronic portal at the following link: in English, Kazakh and/or Russian.
It is MANDATORY to fill out the application in English, because the projects are evaluated by international experts in English.
Applicants should carefully read and comply with all the requirements of the Grant Program Manual.
All requirements must be strictly adhered to. Applications that do not comply with the rules for participation will be rejected and will not be accepted for consideration.
Before completing the application, please carefully read the environmental requirements for the subprojects and the list of activities ineligible for funding under the Project.
If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak5771c484996957fe7815ca09da2521f1').innerHTML += ''+addy_text5771c484996957fe7815ca09da2521f1+'<\/a>'; or call +7 777 149 80 36.
* application deadline can be extended as agreed with the World Bank.
Announcement of PSC I grant program
15 september 2022
Dear Applicants,
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the scope of the Fostering Productive innovation Project announces the extension of the application deadline for "Productive Sector Consortia I: Competence Centers " program.
The deadline for applications is extended until October 20th 2022, 18:00 Nur-Sultan time.
For more information on the Inclusive Innovation Consortia Grant Program, you can contact email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone +7-777-149-80-36.
19 August 2022
The Ministry of Digital Development and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project, is launching a call for proposals for the Productive Sector Consortia I: Competence Centers Grant Program.
The Grant Program aims to create centers of competence to address systemic industry problems by developing new technologies (R&D), modeling and improving production processes on a laboratory scale ("model factory"), and analyzing and proposing recommendations on industry development.
Requirements for participants:
The applicants must create a consortium between several members. The mandatory requirement for the consortium is participation of one scientific organization and at least two production enterprises.
Grant amount:
The maximum grant amount is up to 650 million tenge, implementation period up to 18 months. Co-financing must be at least 10 percent of the grant amount.
Selection process:
After the application process is completed, selection will proceed in several stages by international experts, and experts on industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan.
Expected results:
After completing the grant program, consortia that have received funding must provide increased membership in the consortium, a comprehensive analysis of industry development, commercialization of R&D, apply for an international patent, and conduct training for industry specialists among production companies.
Application period:
Application process starts on August 19, 2022 and ends on September 20, 2022 at 6 p.m. Nur-Sultan time*.
Announcement of PSC I grant program
18 February 2022
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is launching a call for proposals for the Productive Sector Consortia I grant program within the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project.
The grant program aims to unite the efforts of science and business to create and implement commercially sustainable innovative projects.
Applications are received through the Portal from February 18 , 2022 until March 31, 2022 6 p.m. Nur-Sultan time.*
For more information on the grant program, see the Productive Sector Consortia I Grant Program Manual at
Announcement of PSC I grant program
20 august 2021
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is planning to launch the following grant programs for creation and implementation of innovations and new technologies under the Fostering Productive Innovation Project:
«Productive Sector Consortia I: Competence Centers»
The purpose of the Grant Program is to promote cooperation between research institutes, universities, as well as laboratories of scientific and engineering profiles in Kazakhstan and productive sector enterprises for improving the production sectors in the economy.
Announcement of PSC II grant program
20 august 2021
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is planning to launch the following grant programs for creation and implementation of innovations and new technologies under the Fostering Productive Innovation Project:
"Productive Sector Consortia" II
The purpose of the Grant Program is to promote cooperation between research institutes, universities, as well as laboratories of scientific and engineering profiles in Kazakhstan and manufacturing enterprises for improving the production sectors in the economy.