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Контракт №KZ-FPIP-CS-3B-2024/4

В рамках реализации проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» Министерство цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности РК объявляет конкурс по отбору Консультанта по Акселерации в БВСА/Саудовская Аравия.

В целях реализации проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» в рамках Соглашения о займе между Республикой Казахстан и Международным банком реконструкции и развития от 9 июня 2015 года № 8463-KZ, ратифицированного от 2 февраля 2016 года, объявляется конкурс по отбору Консультанта по Акселерации в БВСА/Саудовская Аравия.

Детальная информация предоставлена в приложении к данному объявлению, заинтересованные фирмы могут получить более подробную информацию по электронному адресу, указанному ниже в рабочие часы с 9.00 до 18.00 (время г. Астана).

Выражения заинтересованности принимаются до 18 октября 2024 года на электронный адрес Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

 Проект «Стимулирование Продуктивных Инноваций»

Казахстан, г. Астана, пр. Мәңгілік Ел., 55/7,

павильон С 3.6., офис 300

E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Подробнее ТЗ

Контракт №KZ-FPIP-CS-3B-2024/3

В целях реализации проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» в рамках Соглашения о займе между Республикой Казахстан и Международным банком реконструкции и развития от 9 июня 2015 года № 8463-KZ, ратифицированного от 2 февраля 2016 года, объявляется конкурс по отбору Консультанта по ДипТек Акселерации.

Детальная информация предоставлена в приложении к данному объявлению, заинтересованные фирмы могут получить более подробную информацию по электронному адресу, указанному ниже в рабочие часы с 9.00 до 18.00 (время г. Астана).

Выражения заинтересованности принимаются до 18.00 времени г. Астана, 2 сентября 2024 года на электронный адрес Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


Проект «Стимулирование Продуктивных Инноваций»

Казахстан, г. Астана, пр. Мәңгілік Ел., 55/7,

павильон С 3.6., офис 300

E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Подробнее ТЗ






Title of assignment:

DeepTech Acceleration Consultant

Contract №KZ-FPIP-CS-3B-2024/3


Fostering Productive Innovation Project (the Project) is a joint initiative co-financed by the Government of Kazakhstan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank) to be implemented within the period from 2016 to 2024.  Its objective is to promote high-quality, nationally relevant research and technology commercialization. The project consists of the following components:

  • Component 1. Development of the Knowledge Base for Innovation.
  • Component 2. Innovation Consortia
  • Component 3. Consolidation of the Technology Commercialization Cycle
  • Component 4. Strengthening Coordination of the National Innovation System; Enhancing the Capacity of the Existing Institutional Structures
  • Component 5. Project Implementation Support


Executive agency is the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry (the Ministry).

The Ministry intends to apply part of the proceeds to attract a consulting firm (Consultant) to support implementation of the following activity of the Project under the Component 3. Consolidation of the Technology Commercialization Cycle:

- providing consulting services to develop technologies and innovative ideas into viable commercial projects by innovation brokerage activities and deal flow generation.


Purpose of the assignment

Consolidation of the Technology Commercialization Cycle by supporting subprojects of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project and projects from the Kazakhstani market in bringing technological and innovative ideas into commercial projects, signing license agreements and/or agreements on the assignment of intellectual property rights, and bringing technological enterprises to commercial sales in the US market with the support of consulting companies.


The Consultant is tasked with creating and implementing a Program focused on discovering and entering the US market for potential Kazakh deep-tech projects. The objective is to identify emerging deep-tech startups and facilitate their growth by assisting them in establishing a presence in the US market. This includes collaborating with founders to reassess their strategies learned from their home markets, help startups navigate the intellectual property landscape, including patent filing and protection strategies, gaining a profound understanding of the key factors for success in the US market, and establishing the necessary groundwork for achieving traction in the US. Additionally, the Consultant will play a role in selecting startups eligible to participate in the program by providing short list of startups for the approval by the selection committee (or jury of experts) formed by the Client.

The Consultant is expected to carry out the tasks described in the Terms of Reference.

Specifically, the consulting company’s main functions will include:

(i)        facilitation and organization meetings between startups/projects and potential foreign investors/research partners or scientific organizations, representatives of venture capital funds, and business angels;

(ii)      increase the level and quality of development of the Program participants, provide the beneficiaries deep customer discovery learning to reach out and speak to US Customers enabling them to evaluate US market needs, IP landscape and move towards product market fit. Participants are expected to end the program with a clear understanding of steps they need to take and the tools they need to enter the US market.

The Consultant undertakes to engage experienced Scientists, Researchers, Speakers, Mentors, Trackers and Experts for the Program. The Consultant undertakes to provide PR support and coverage of the Program in the United States and, upon request of the Client.

The Consultant's remuneration will be a fixed fee.


Expected duration of assignment

Duration: 6-8 weeks (duration of the assignment may be changed depending on procurement procedures and signing of the contract) from the contract signing date.


Scope of services

This assignment is accepted as follows: 

Report – no later than 8 weeks from the date of signing the Contract (Report).

The Report should include the following information:

  • description of meetings and/or negotiations held with the Projects Participants;
  • the results of the Program (with a description of the reasons in case some of the Program Participants have not succeeded);
  • description of workshops, lectures, webinars, mentoring sessions, group assignments, and other methods of learning and practice (including presentation slides and other materials that is used during the Program);
  • final version of pitch deck of the Program Participant,


 *The report on the results of the Program must be submitted by the Consultant within no more than 10 (ten) business days following the completion of the Program, or any other term determined by Consultant and the Client




  1. Development of Program Participants as part of the Deep-tech program in Silicon Valley.


The Program will be delivered during approximately 6 weeks in Palo Alto and San-Francisco, California, for 5 to 10 med-tech (bio-tech, biodesign, biotechnology Group, Health tech) startups from Kazakhstan or with Kazakh founders. Startups undertake customer discovery that drives smart US go-to-market (GTM) strategy, build their US sales pipeline, refine their messaging and the core sales assets needed to engage prospects and win deals. Delivery will be in form of in-person workshops and meetings. Startups will benefit from group-based workshops and activities, as well as 1:1 coaching from seasoned entrepreneurs, operators, and investors. The content and order of specific modules may be revised in consultation with the Client, based on the unique needs of the startups that are admitted to the program.




Target Deliverables from Startups

Deliverables for the Client


Selection of top-quality appropriate deep-tech startups


·     Panel interviews

·     Selection rubric

·     Acceptance email

·     Program onboarding

·     Program management support

Discovery and Market Entry Program

Evaluation of US Market, Foundations of US Sales and Initial Traction

·      10 customer conversations and/or interviews (in total for all participating startups, min 1 per each startup)

·      Sales 1 pager

·      Updated pitch deck

·      Creation of sales funnel

·     Networking Event

·     Curriculum delivery

·     Coaching

·     Direct Introductions

·     Startup Evaluation Reports

·     Recommendations for further investment


The consultant will be responsible for and provide:

  • Panel interviews
  • Selection rubric
  • Acceptance email
  • Program onboarding
  • Program management support
  • Support startups in closing deals & breaking through on commercial traction.

All startups must be based in Palo Alto or at the campus of the Consultant in California for the duration of the Program.

Delivery will be in form of in-person workshops, meetings and/or virtual (Zoom) workshops.

A tentative program for 6 weeks includes the following.


Workshop Topic


Week 1


Initial Pitches

Mentorship Networking Event

Mentorship Pairing

• Overview of the Consultant’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, including student accelerators and the alumni founder community, etc.

• Presentations of participating teams' startups to the Consultant team.

• Networking dinner with a diverse group of Consultant-affiliated mentors, such as industry experts, alumni, scholars, faculty members, and medical professionals, etc.

• Post-dinner mentor pairing for each participant team.

Week 2

Scaling a deep-tech startup in the US

•Product and hiring: panels of Consultant Deep-tech founders and hiring strategies

•Strategy and sales: session on selling into deep-tech ecosystem with leaders/experts from Consultants Network

•Regulatory and legal – sessions with FDA (Food & drug administration) experts and/or lawyers on navigating FDA processes, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance, IP matters

•Fundraising – panel of deep-tech focused VCs on raising VC funding in US

Week 3

Reflective workshop

• Interactive session on reflection techniques and journaling to help founders integrate their workshop experiences.

• Group discussion on challenges and key learnings from the first part of the workshop, promoting peer support and collective insights.

• Informal coffee meet-up for open dialogue and networking within the cohort.

Week 4

Practical Application

• Workshop on incorporating feedback and insights into the business model, led by a guest entrepreneur.

• Mentor office hours for personalized advice and discussion on applying workshop learnings to startups.

Week 5


• Pitching workshop and rehearsal sessions in preparation for Demo Day.

• Networking event with current students from deep-tech programs, such as Biodesign, Biotechnology Group, and Healthcare Club, etc.

Week 6

Demo Day Week

•Cohort Demo Day attended by top-tier VCs and industry


During the Program, the Consultant will provide the following supplementary services

(the services listed below will be paid from the budget provided to the Consultant for this Assignment):

  • Conduct a series of weekly seminars and meetings (on startup development);
  • Hold an event announcing the launch of the Program with the participation of the Client’s, Beneficiary management, Consultant, etc;
  • Participation in the coverage and involvement of foreign media in the framework of the final events of the Program;
  • Consultant will cover expenses including domestic travel, and, if required, fees, curriculum, etc;
  • All of the above services will be paid from the budget provided to the Consultant for this assignment.


** The proposed program is tentative and actual topics, speakers/sessions will vary depending on the audience subject to agreement with the Client.



The Consultant shall, as part of the technical proposal and in accordance with this TOR, provide a detailed methodology and action plan throughout the duration of the Project and/or as proposed by PMU/or Client.


Expected outcomes

The Consultant shall deliver the report based on the results of the Services provided as per the TOR. In the Report, the Consultant will cover the achievement of the following indicators of the Project's objectives:

  1. The number of Project Participants (start-ups/projects) that have received tracking services under deep-tech programs must be at least 5;
  2. Startups engage in deep customer discovery learning to reach out and speak to US Customers, enabling them to evaluate US market needs and move towards product market fit. Founders build their sales pipeline and develop core sales assets needed to win deals.


The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan now invites eligible companies to provide their expression of interest in performance of this assignment. Interested companies shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, experience of implementation and description of similar assignments, availability of appropriate qualified staff, etc.).

Criteria for selection of the companies into the short list are as follows:

The Consultant, in the form of a legal entity or consortium of legal entities, should meet the following qualification requirements to provide services under the Contract:

  • A specialized company with sufficient resources and experience in providing the services described in this Terms of Reference.
  • At least 10 years of experience in providing the services described in this Terms of Reference.
  • At least 10 years of experience in research project in related areas.
  • At least 10 years of experience in attracting or assisting in attracting financing to projects (start-ups).
  • Experience in working with entrepreneurs, inventors, developers, investors, venture capitalists, researchers and scientists on technology commercialization and management of innovative projects (startups).
  • Proven collaboration with venture capital funds.


The Consultant shall have minimum 3 Key staff experts with relevant work experience who are able to fulfill the assignment:

Team Leader:

-    a degree in Engineering and Technology, Healthcare, Computer Science, Economics or Finance.

-    minimum 10 years of work experience, including at least 3 years in a management position in startup development programs or innovation project management;

-    experience in the development of a startup and/or venture capital ecosystem in the U.S.;

-    project management, teamwork, and business communication skills.


Staff member 1:

-    a degree in Computer Science, Healthcare, Biological Science, Business Management and/or Administration, a PHD Degree will be an advantage;

-    minimum of 6 years of work experience, work experience in international organizations, companies, and projects will be an advantage;

-    at least 6 years’ experience in the development of a startup and/or venture capital ecosystem in the U.S.


Staff member 2:

-    a degree in Engineering & Technology, Economics/Finance, or Media (PR), a Master's Degree will be an advantage;

-    certificates in specialized training in entrepreneurship development or project management;

-    minimum 5 years of work experience, including at least 2 years in a business development position;  

-    experience in startup and/or venture ecosystem development in the U.S.


Attention of interested companies is drawn to the paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by the WB Borrowers (edition of January 2011, revisions of July 2014) setting forth the World Bank policy on conflict of interest.

The companies may associate to enhance their qualifications.

The company will be selected using the Consultant’s Qualification based selection method in accordance with the procedures set forth in the World Bank Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by the WB Borrowers (edition of January 2011, revisions of July 2014).

All interested companies may submit their Expressions of interest signed by authorized manager in the PDF format to the e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. or deliver to the address below by the deadline of 6 pm Astana time September 2, 2024.



Mr. Akhmetov Y., Project Coordinator / Mr. Sailybayev Zh., PMU Deputy Director

The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 Astana, Mangilik El avenue, 55/5

PMU office:

Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 Astana, Mangilik El avenue, 55/7, Block 3.5, office 300


For additional information, please, contact Project Management Unit by e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Detailed ToR

 a) наименование каждого участника конкурса, который подал заявку: ИП «Оразбаева», ИП «FullHouse сommerce» ИП «Байзульда»

 b) цены конкурсных заявок: 

  1. ИП «Оразбаева»                 1 996 060,00
  2. ИП «FullHouse сommerce»   2 029 280,00
  3. ИП «Байзульда»                 2 111 790,00

 c) наименования участников и оценочную стоимость каждой конкурсной заявки, которая проходила оценку:

  1. ИП «Оразбаева»                 1 996 060,00
  2. ИП «FullHouse сommerce»   2 029 280,00
  3. ИП «Байзульда»                 2 111 790,00

d) наименования участников торгов, заявки которых были отклонены, и причины отклонения этих заявок: отсутствуют;

e) наименование победителя торгов и предложенная им цена: ИП «Оразбаева» 1 996 060,00 тенге

 a) наименование каждого участника конкурса, который подал заявку: ИП «Оразбаева», ИП «FullHouse сommerce» ИП «Байзульда»

 b) цены конкурсных заявок: 

  1. ИП «Оразбаева»                 627 400,00 тенге
  2. ИП «FullHouse сommerce»   633 400,00 тенге
  3. ИП «Байзульда»                 686 750,00 тенге

 c) наименования участников и оценочную стоимость каждой конкурсной заявки, которая проходила оценку:

  1. ИП «Оразбаева»                 627 400,00 тенге
  2. ИП «FullHouse сommerce»   633 400,00 тенге
  3. ИП «Байзульда»                 686 750,00 тенге

d) наименования участников торгов, заявки которых были отклонены, и причины отклонения этих заявок: отсутствуют;

e) наименование победителя торгов и предложенная им цена: ИП «Оразбаева» 627 400,00 тенге

Повторное объявление

В целях реализации проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» в рамках Соглашения о займе между Республикой Казахстан и Международным банком реконструкции и развития от 9 июня 2015 года № 8463-KZ, ратифицированного 2 февраля 2016 года, объявляется конкурс по закупу SSD накопителей

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